Top 3 Reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail

January 7, 2014

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Things you said you would or wouldn’t do in this new year? How is that going so far? According to Forbes Magazine only 8% of people achieve their New Year's Resolutions. Statistics show that 33% are already broken by the end of January. In my experience these are the 3 main …

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The Key to Not be Depleted during the Holidays

December 27, 2013

It’s the time of year where we traditionally have many family gatherings, parties and celebrations. Which is great, except when you are very sensitive. What may be enticing and stimulating to others is depleting and frustrating to those of us who easily pick up energy and emotions from others. I remember the years…

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The Breakdown before the Breakthrough

December 12, 2013

You may have heard these words before. Last week I wrote it down to remind myself. Things were not going as planned or even hoped. Clients canceling, website troubles (the website was down for 24 hours before the new one was up and running), I had a bad cold (or vibrational flu) and just an overall lack of flow. I knew…

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3 Tips to Make Money with your Gift

December 10, 2013

I often see people who have beautiful talents and powerful gifts and they barely make enough money to pay the bills. I see many people struggle to make ends meet. I know what that’s like. I’ve experienced that too. And there is nothing wrong with investing in your business and not having a lot of money for other th…

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How to break through what is holding you back

November 26, 2013

Stuff keeps us back a lot of the time. Things you may not even be consciously aware of. It may be an underlying belief that you are not ready to take a certain step, or that it is out of your reach. Or you may have the experience that it is not safe to be fully yourself. Or you are afraid what other people might think.…

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Big leap, now what?

November 26, 2013

As we go through major shift and changes it can happen that we grow so fast that we make a growth spurt or leap that leaves us in unknown territory. When that happens you may feel as if you need a new manual for yourself. It’s as if you can’t find the right button to push to make something happen. Things don’t se…

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The time is now

November 26, 2013

The time is now. The time to really start doing what you came here to do. No more excuses. No more hiding out. No more playing small. Why? Because the world needs you. You have a unique gift, whether you are aware of it or not. Even if you are not sure what that gift is. I think if you are truly honest that deep down i…

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What to do when the going gets tough

November 26, 2013

I have made several decisions that involve growing my business and that is bound to have some effect. Stepping out of your comfort zone is never really comfortable, and neither was it this time for me. So what can you do when this happens to you? When you come to this point in your business or life where you know yo…

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3 main reasons your business is not taking off

November 26, 2013

There are many reasons why your business might not be taking off, but let me share with you the 3 main causes I see most often. And, being totally honest here, I know these from the inside out. Because this was once me… So see if any of this is resonating for you: 1. You are playing small You are afraid to be ful…

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How to manage your energy in the midst of change

November 26, 2013

A new month brings new energy. The last week of August has been very interesting for me. I had a few days off and enjoyed being outdoors at a National Park (see picture) here in The Netherlands. The weather was great and it was quite relaxing. Halfway through the week I felt the energy shift and that became visible in …

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