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The Power of Intimacy (key to more flow!)

May 29, 2018

This may seem a strange topic. And if you're wondering how this can help you build a thriving business or lead a more fulfilling life, it's important to know that the power of intimacy is highly underrated. Most humans have experienced difficulty in being truly intimate and vulnerable at some point in their life or an…

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stuck in the middle

Stuck in the middle

May 9, 2018

There are times when nothing seems to work. No matter how hard you try you feel like you are wading through mud. Everything feels sluggish or hard. You need all your strength to move forward even the slightest bit. I remember a time when I was stuck in the middle. It was a period in which I had made a lot of changes…

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7 Signs your soul is changing

April 18, 2018

Right now the energy is changing so much that many of us are stepping forward into a new phase of their life. You may feel a desire to make changes or a need to do things differently. These are signs you are getting ready to step further into your power. In order to have access to all the qualities you need for this…

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The key to being a better parent, partner, person

March 30, 2018

You know that demonstration on the airplane nobody ever looks at? When the flight attendants tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first—before assisting anyone else? Well, that doesn’t only apply to airplanes or emergency situations. In fact I believe putting yourself first should be mandatory for the manual of…

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getting stuck

What others often say about highly sensitive people

March 12, 2018

The term “highly sensitive” was coined by Elaine N. Aron. Her research shows how highly sensitive people have a more complex and detailed way of processing sensory input. (Aaron 2004) I’m very grateful Elaine proved that highly sensitive people (often referred to as HSP’s) aren’t making things up. Because I …

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Without self-care life is pointless

February 16, 2018

Yes, that’s a pretty bold statement. But I’ve found it to be true. If you’ve been following me for a while you may know that I’ve had to work hard at getting where I am. It took me countless years to learn to master my energy and handle my sensitivity. I’ll never forget the day I went to see a naturopat…

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Time to turn inward

Time to turn inward!

October 24, 2017

Lots is shifting in the energy (again) and given everything that is in motion it's important to turn your focus inward—rather than on what is happening outside. It’s not always relevant to know exactly what is shifting in the energy, but what is crucial is taking extra good care of yourself! It often helps…

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Your timing Or the Universe’s

Your timing? Or the Universe's?

September 5, 2017

My book journey has been fun, for the most part. I admit there have been moments where I was ready to throw everything out of the window. But luckily those moments were sparse. I had a self-imposed deadline for my book and that deadline is TODAY! And, the book ain’t ready…. Of course I already knew last week…

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You are exactly where you need to be

You are exactly where you need to be

May 12, 2017

Sometimes in life you feel sad or down and you can’t really put your finger on why you feel sad or down. Chances are you are disappointed, in yourself or others. You feel let down because something doesn’t come to pass as you hoped it would. Oh, do I know that one. It is painful and it can truly hurt deeply.…

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The danger of internalizing emotions

The danger of internalizing emotions

April 18, 2017

When you are emotional there are only two options. You either explode or you implode. In other words; you express your emotions or you keep them inside you. Often showing our true feelings is not (deemed) a possibility, so we focus our emotions inward—we internalize them. Let me explain. You’re in a situat…

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