SWEET POWERTM Activations are a hip new way to give your brain the gorgeous, powerful meditative space it needs. But this isn’t just a bunch of ohms and ahs: every activation contains a practical focus, where we’ll walk through a guided visualization on a different topic every day, so your body, mind and soul all get the attention they need—and you raise your vibration to the sky. You can be anywhere, anytime, and just pop an earbud into your ear for a quick energy reboot, instantly. For only €1 per day!
This program gives you the three divine steps that allow you to make confident & inspired decisions from your heart with ease. You'll learn how to hear, trust and act on your intuition—making it your most valuable compass in life!
Your intuition is an extremely powerful tool if you know how to use it correctly. It will help you steer clear from trouble, zero in on what’s most important and reconnect to the knowing of your heart.
A one-part philosophy, one-part program, and one-part daily practice that will help you grow your career without all the energy-drain or exhaustion—and still have plenty left over to enjoy your personal life and feel good.
Join us for a moment of loving connection, universal wisdom and energetic upleveling. According to participants these calls are “A sacred moment of connection. A space where you know growth and transformation will happen.”
Get intuitive answers to your personal or business question during this virtual event and allow yourself to be recharged.
Join us on Thursday October 3rd!
90% of disease are caused by stress. According to McKinsey Health Institute, globally one in four employees are experiencing signs of burnout.
The problem is most people don't see a burnout coming! I developed this tool so you can monitor and manage your energy and stress level before it becomes a problem. So there’ll be much less to fix and you’ll do less damage to your body (and surroundings).
This online program shifts your frequency so you can be all you can be! The five powerful healing activations reprogram outdated code inside yourself so you can allow in more light, flow, ease and love.
Being highly sensitive is a gift, but only when you know how to support yourself. This program helps you get clear on what you need to feel good in your own skin, have more energy, and stop feeling like there's something wrong with you.
This gives you the tools & insights to handle your sensitivity and excel thanks to the advantage it gives you!