
A gathering with the Carriers of Light

Timeless insights & healing energy

“We invite you to join us for a moment of loving connection, intuitive insights and energetic upleveling.

You are called forth to realign, to recharge and to receive.

We have a special message in store that supports you with what is going on at the planet and the shifts in vibration. In order to support your physical body in these changes we offer these energies and insights.

We welcome you to connect fully to your soul and what it has to say to you. You will have a chance to ask questions so that you can hear exactly what you are meant to hear at this moment in time. And so it is.”

—The Carriers of Light

A gathering with the Carriers of Light

A unique online event that will make you feel vibrantly alive, recharged and rested. You'll leave with new insights, clarity and a sense of love and belonging. Join us Thursday November 7th at 9am Eastern / 3pm Central European time. Duration approx. 90 minutes.

Can't be there live? You'll get a recording if you register!

Client Testimonial

Mark Blesma
Mark Blesma
Hillegom, The Netherlands - 2 Meter Recruitment

The monthly Gathering with the Carriers is such a great anchor point. A moment to get back to the core, the essence. I love being there and absorbing all the energy!

It’s a sacred moment of connection. A space where you know growth and transformation will happen.

What will this gathering bring you?

You can leave your worries and To Do list at the door.  This moment is for you. Because you work hard, and care deeply for others. Now it is your time to receive—and recharge. So sit back, relax and enjoy the warm bath.

Client Testimonial

Pam McCormick
Pam McCormick
Boston, MA, USA - Consultant, special projects

I was blown away by the Carriers’ message for me.  Touched to tears.  And deep connection.  It’s pretty wild.  In a good way.  I think I’m going to go soak in the tub after I write this…  And when I have energy I want to transcribe the message so that I can keep it as an affirmation and reminder.

Introducing the Carriers of Light

The Carriers of Light are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light. Iris has been chosen as their emissary. This was their first message several years ago. It still holds true today.

“Dear ones,

We are thrilled to meet you here and be sharing the same energy. We have been waiting for a long time to be able to come through with this message. The time has come to take a new step in evolution. We ask you to take up your birthright and really be who you are. We ask you to see the beauty and the light in yourself and others. You are such a wonderful, beautiful creature. You have the ability to see the world though your eyes and through your unique experience. That makes you one of a kind.

Many of you still wonder whether what you do matters, whether what you have to offer is valuable or unique enough. We tell you that it is. For it carries the energy and the vibration of you. That is a unique vibration that only you carry. The world needs that. You each have a piece of the puzzle and for you to shine your light brightly is the goal of this game – the goal of those who came here on earth.

We are here to help you see that and feel that. If you take a moment and feel deep inside,  you can feel a longing, an awakening. We are helping you to take the steps through which you can carry more of your light inside. While you raise your vibration you will be increasing the intensity and the flow of light in and around you. You will be able to feel more love and act out of love. Love for yourself and love for others.

For now we ask you to realize that you are here for a reason. You carry a unique vibration inside you that helps others unlock their potential. You each have a key to someone else’s lock. You all help each other on this journey. That’s why you are not meant to do this alone. Seek out your teachers and coaches, your colleagues and partners. And know that the energy will lead you where you need to go. If only you are willing to listen.”

Client Testimonial

Myrtle V.
The Netherlands - Coach

I am deeply grateful for the message the Carriers of Light showed me in the call. It really touches me deeply. I have relistened to it several times. A shower of love, compassion and insights. Thank you so much Iris for being the spokeswoman of the Carriers.

About session leader,
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the emissary for the Carriers of Light. They are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light.

She is also the creator of the SWEET POWERTM approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that showing up big requires.

Through her research, she’s identified four distinctive stages that sensitive souls experience in their growth process, and the core of her work lies in helping that particular audience determine where they are on the growth curve, and​ ​discover​ ​the​ ​right​ ​steps​ ​to​ ​move forward—and​ ​shine bright!

Iris is a firm believer in combining the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the practical.

Thanks to her intuitive abilities she can go straight to the core of what is preventing you from being your healthy, radiant self, and by immediately applying healing energy you will make deep and lasting shifts on layers you can’t get to on your own.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Tracy M.
Massachusetts, USA - Clinical psychologist

Iris, I am ever grateful for the gifts you share with us; all the work you have done over decades to hone and clarify those gifts and abilities; the model you are for dedication and practice. I am grateful for your generosity in bringing the Carriers to us, and us to them. And I am grateful for your very bright spirit and the arrow you point always to love and light and joy.

A gathering with the Carriers of Light

A unique online event that will make you feel vibrantly alive, recharged and rested. You'll leave with new insights, clarity and a sense of love and belonging. Join us Thursday November 7th at 9am Eastern / 3pm Central European time. Duration approx. 90 minutes.

Can't be there live? You'll get a recording if you register!

mirjam otterspeer
MIrjam Otterspeer
Dinteloord, The Netherlands - Transpersoonlijke Trauma Therapie

I was touched by the love and support of Iris and the Carriers of the Light. It felt like a purifying energetic flow, that enters through the heart and spreads itself over your whole energetic body.

The encounters I have had with Iris and the Carriers of the Light, have touched me again and again. Their presence alone is healing and it is very needed for me to be in that energy.

The encounters feel like a warm bath of love in a very high vibration, which give me a feeling of coming home. Thank you, Iris.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I can’t make the call live?

A: No worries! After the call you’ll receive the audio-recording so you can listen to the intuitive insights and take in the healing energy. You’ll also get a transcript of the main message.


Q: What if I join and I don’t ask a question?

A: Seeing what is going on for the other participants will deepen understanding of your own situation, and clarify shifts you can make as well. There are usually underlying themes that apply to everyone. I often hear “You answered this other person’s question but it felt like you spoke to me directly.”


Q: How does a virtual event work?

A: We will connect virtually with ZOOM video for an intimate and heartfelt connection. There will be a live message from the Carriers of Light and I will open up the lines to tune in for participants and answer their personal or business questions.


Q: Is it possible to have a heart-felt connection via ZOOM?

A: Absolutely. I’ve been using ZOOM and Skype for years. The energy is so powerful that we don’t have to be in the same room together in order for you to feel it. Participants are often surprised about how connected they feel on these calls.


Q: When is this event happening?

A: Thursday November 7th at 9am Eastern / 3pm Central European time. Duration approx. 90 minutes.


Q: Will the event be recorded?

A: Yes the entire gathering will be recorded so you can relisten to the insights any time. That means you don’t have to worry about taking notes and can be fully present. This also means you’ll get the recording if you register but can’t be there live.


Q: How does the yearlong subscription work?

A: You will get access for 12 months starting from the moment you register. This yearlong subscription includes 10 monthly calls. This includes the upcoming call. There are no calls in August and December. In all the other months you have access to the 90-minute live calls with the Carriers of Light and you’ll also get the recordings. Each month you’ll automatically receive the dial-in details. If you can’t make a call live you can relisten to the recording. You’ll also get transcripts of all the main messages.

Do you have any other questions? Please email clientcare[at]2brighteyes[dot]com. We would love to support you!

Client Testimonials

A gathering with the Carriers of Light

A unique online event that will make you feel vibrantly alive, recharged and rested. You'll leave with new insights, clarity and a sense of love and belonging. Join us Thursday November 7th at 9am Eastern / 3pm Central European time. Duration approx. 90 minutes.

Can't be there live? You'll get a recording if you register!

© 2024 Bright Eyes