

Turn your sensitivity into your superpower

You’ve wondered whether there was something wrong with you and you are so tired of feeling alone, misunderstood—and exhausted.

People have told you that you are exaggerating, being difficult or overly sensitive.

You’ve been called weak and fragile—and you know that’s often how you felt.

If you recognize any of this then I know exactly how you feel. Because for most of my life this would have described me to a T.

Let me paint you a picture of what most sensitive people feel:

The day is often too long for how much energy you have. You know there is more to life and this isn’t how it’s supposed to feel but you don’t know which buttons to push to make things change.

Sometimes you wonder whether you have a mystical disease of which the name is not yet discovered—because feeling this miserable doesn’t seem normal.

You’re tired of constantly having to defend your boundaries or explain why you’re already going home. And when you do get home, sometimes you  need a good cry before you’ll feel better.

You get drained by being around other people and you’re often overwhelmed. You’re convinced you have more to offer—but you are afraid that day may never arrive.

You feel like you’re stuck on this merry-go-round and even though you do have good days—especially when you hole up in your home to recharge—you wish you could get out more and not have to pay for it later.

You may have trouble focusing for longer periods of time and are easily distracted. You might even have some physical problems that don’t seem to go away.

Pretty bleak, huh?

The truth is, I didn’t know I was highly sensitive so I had no idea I needed to learn how to manage my sensitivity.

It took me years of trial and error to get clear on how I needed to support myself, and what being sensitive meant for how I move through this world.

But once I got a handle on my sensitivity everything changed.

And since you’re here—reading this—I’m guessing you’re highly sensitive as well, and it’s not always a pleasure (understatement of the century).

The good news?

I created a proven system—my SWEET POWERTM approach—for sensitive souls.

Because when you turn your sensitivity into your superpower the world feels like a whole new place.

Just imagine…

You feel like a lightbulb went off inside your head. Suddenly things make sense. You are able to see how your sensitivity has held you back and kept you playing small.

You have a renewed energy and revel in the sense of control you finally have.

You feel so much better and happier, and you are finally able to enjoy life fully—it feels like a weight has been released off your shoulders.

You are more grounded and balanced, and you know what to do if you get off track.

There is a sense of peace and feeling at home—in your body and in the world. You finally know there is nothing wrong with you—and you are not the only sensitive person who has struggled with the same issues.

You no longer feel guilty about having different needs—or wanting to set boundaries—and you finally have the energy to enjoy your personal life!

You are able to tap into your intuition with confidence, and it’s much easier to listen to your heart without getting derailed by your head.

You know your sensitivity is your superpower and it helps you support your clients, colleagues and friends with a depth you could not access before.

It’s easier to focus and concentrate and you get so much more done in a day. You know you now have what it takes to excel and be at your best, and finally fully do what you came here to do!

Oh and did I mention how good it feels?

Based on my personal experience and supporting hundreds of sensitive souls I’ve created a powerhouse program that helps you turn your sensitivity into your superpower.


Shelly Byrne
Covington, KY, USA - Earth Joy

Iris’ program made me realize that there was nothing wrong with me. I am just a highly sensitive person. I am now much better at grounding, staying centered and recognizing when my boundaries are being crossed. The changes I see in my life are a deeper awareness of why I get tired and having tools to change this. This has changed my entire day and life. I always knew meditation and grounding was healthy and good for me. Yet, Iris helped me to see it in terms of energy. This is a MUCH missed key YOU do not get from other coaching programs.

This key is so important because I realize now why I have been resisting that new level in my business. I was absolutely not wanting to put more work on myself that would drain me. I was in self-preservation mode. By doing Iris’ three step process I feel I can conquer anything.

I love the way Iris presented this program. She took us step by step and the way she does it is easy to hear and implement. For the first time in my life I understand some very deep parts of me! Iris is very giving with pure loving energy. You know she is taking care of herself so all you need to do is show up and receive.

I would recommend this program to any entrepreneur or person that finds it difficult to be in the world and with other people without feeling drained afterwards. It helps you to live your purpose without being afraid you will be consumed by other people’s needs and expectations.

The Program

This program consists of five foundational pillars that help you be who you are (a sensitive soul) without all the energy-drain or exhaustion.

These five pillars are the key to everything when it comes to managing your sensitivity—by turning it from a weakness into your strength.

There is nothing wrong with you—you just didn’t have the tools and techniques before to handle your sensitivity elegantly.

Let’s look at these five, life-changing pillars in depth.

Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

Pillar #1: What it means to be highly sensitive—and why it often feels like a curse

We’ll get clear on what being a sensitive soul truly is and what it looks like (both for you personally and those around you). We’ll dive into how being highly sensitive impacted your life; why it drained you and held you back. And how to change that!

I was surprised how many aha-moments I had when I discovered how my sensitivity had been influencing my life without me realizing it.

When you know what it means to be sensitive you will:


Pillar #2: Heal the pain and scars you've accumulated

Being highly sensitive isn’t easy and I’m guessing it often hurt. You might’ve felt misunderstood and like you were the odd one out (I know I did!).

We’ll heal the pain so you can start to embrace your sensitivity and stop hiding it away. It’s okay to let your scars be seen—they’re proof of what you’ve endured. Your sensitivity is an asset, and it’s time to start believing that.

You might think you’ve already done the work but I’d wager there is a deeper layer you have not been able to access yet—and it’s holding you back. Any form of constriction limits your flow so let’s shift that. I’m called the healer’s healer for a reason 😉

When you heal the pain you will:


Pillar #3: Uncover the layers that have kept your brilliance hidden

We’ll get clear on where you have allowed your sensitivity to dim your light. How you’ve adapted yourself to show the world a version of you that was expected (and accepted). And we’ll remove those layers to unveil the rough diamond that’s been hidden from view for far too long.

We’ll look at how you can share your true self with your loved ones in a way that feels centered and grounded and certain. It’s time for you to tell the world who you truly are—releasing who you thought you were.

Hint: you can’t confidently talk about your sensitivity when you haven’t fully accepted it.

Others will continue to push back at your boundaries untill you integrate being a sensitive soul (and what that means for your needs.)

When you uncover the layers that kept your brilliance hidden you will:

Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

Pillar #4: Setting the stage for transformation

We’ll look at what your body needs physically, energetically, emotionally and mentally. We’ll provide you with the tools to manage your energy, and have it be aligned with what you need as a sensitive soul. (Say goodbye to being exhausted!)

We’ll look at what you’ll say to people who aren’t sensitive and how you can finally make them understand that you aren’t lazy or trying to be difficult, but that you are wired differently and need other things to be at your best.

What works for them isn’t working for you, and it’s time you start to honor your gift and give yourself what you need so you can excel at what you are best at!

When you learn to set the stage for transformation you will:


Pillar #5: Own your superpower

Your magic IS in part your sensitivity. It allows you to notice things others don’t. Your work and relationships will have a depth it can’t have without using your superpower.

We’ll get clear on where—and how—you can use your sensitivity. You’ll learn how using your intuition can accelerate your business or career, and enhance the quality of your life.

It’s time to see that your clients, colleagues and loved ones need you to own this part of yourself because it is what makes you uniquely YOU!

And now that you’ll finally know how to manage your sensitivity, you can enjoy the benefits! 🙂

When you learn how to own your superpower you will:

Iris straat

Bonus module: Sensitivity & Relationships

We’ll consciously work on fostering more understanding about what it means to be a sensitive soul. Not just for you (which is what the other pillars are for) but for the people in your life as well. The people closest to us usually trigger us most. That’s why it’s crucial to fix any misunderstandings about what (or who) a highly sensitive person is, what you need and what does (not) support you. This will prevent a lot of frustration.

When you don’t understand yourself and what you need, you can’t ask for it. But when others don’t understand how being highly sensitive impacts you and what you need, then they can’t support you either. Nor can you blame them! We’ll create common ground for you and your loved ones to get clear on how being a sensitive soul impacts your relationships.

Not to convince anyone but to inform them. And for you to be informed as well—as you have conversations about what you all feel and need, what would support you and how you can hold space for each other to be your beautiful imperfect self.

When you understand the impact sensitivity can have on relationships you will:

And of course all these steps will help you feel so much better about being you! And that’s something that won’t go unnoticed by your family and friends either.

Activate your Superpower Now

It's time to turn what may feel like a curse into your gift. Your sensitivity can be your strength and a valuable asset so you are energized and can tap into your intuition with ease! With this program you'll get practical tools you can use immediately as well as deep healing and timeless insights.

Get access now for the Early Bird price!


Adrianne M. Rowe
Metuchen, NJ, USA - Violet Petals Yoga

The Superpower program is one of my favorite programs Iris created. I felt really sad when it was over! The program taught me how to manage my energy, and how to create solid and clear boundaries to fully support my energy and body as a highly sensitive soul.

The program is Super Brilliant! It is very well organized with easy to follow worksheets per topic, so you can take notes and jot down reminders along the way. The insights, interaction, and support from Iris in our private forum, and Q & A calls were eloquent and so on point!

Iris has a real gift to articulate exactly what is needed. I also cherish the call with the Carriers of Light; their message was most inspiring and profound!

After going through some personal experiences that became a huge drain on my energy, I was feeling stuck and stagnant for quite some time.

This program helped me to renew my energy, elevate my vibration, and deepen my awareness. I learned how to cleanse my energy more easily, pinpoint what drains energy, and how to manage my energy better with better boundaries.

I now feel a definitive improved shift in my overall energy and inner vibration than before starting this program. My body and energy feels so much lighter and more aligned, and I experience more flow on a daily basis. The Superpower program helped me to renew my energy, elevate my vibration, and deepen my awareness.

Inspired insights flow to me with greater ease and grace. Thank you Iris for sharing your light and wisdom, you are a true gem!

This is what you will receive in this 5-week program:

Each week you get bit-size training calls that are to the point and cover everything you need to know now on this topic. You can access these videos and MP3’s whenever suits you best—making it ideal and practical.

There is a weekly live 1-hour group Coaching Q&A call (five in total) where you can ask questions, and where we dive deep into the insights you need to move further. I will tune in for you personally to help you shift and heal. And of course I’ll make sure everyone has a chance to ask their question. The recordings ensure you can relisten and deepen insights, and stay tuned if you miss a call.

As a bonus you get access to a Gathering with the Carriers of Light. A 1 1⁄2-hour live ZOOM call with a divine download. You’ll receive a powerful message that helps you move forward faster. And of course a recording because you often hear ‘new’ things when you relisten to the call and are able to access a deeper layer.

In addition you receive worksheets that help you take action and ‘do the work’. Practical and hands-on.

And to top things off you get 24/7 access to our private online forum to share experiences, ask questions and celebrate achievements—knowing you are not alone on this journey. It’s my experience that this is where a lot of the additional magic happens!

tracy borut
Tracy Borut
Arizona, USA

The Superpower program was very helpful and insightful. It gave a good foundation to look at what it means to be a sensitive soul and the tools to help you manage your energy in order to start to build toward a thriving life again.

It really helped me dig deeper of where I needed to work on my boundaries of saying no and to honor myself. It made me see where and how I wasn’t valuing myself and where I am giving my energy away and not reclaiming it.

I think it’s profound yet simple information that can help other sensitive souls out there realize they are who they are meant to be, to shine and not be misunderstood.

I loved having live Q&A sessions and bite size info to not overwhelm you so you can digest it. This program has heightened my awareness of how I need to use energy protection and where I’m losing energy. This has helped me feel more present and I notice I feel better plus I’m aware when I need to allow rest. I would highly recommend this program!

When is this program happening?

This program starts on Friday October 25th. Each Friday you receive the training calls in your inbox—so you can listen or watch when it best suits you.

The live weekly group Coaching Q&A calls are on Wednesday October 30th, Wednesday November 6th, Thursday November 14th, Wednesday November 20th and Wednesday December 4th.

All 1-hour Coaching Calls are at 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European time, except on October 30th when due to difference in Daylight savings the call is at 8AM Pacific, 11AM Eastern, 4PM Central European time.

The bonus live Gathering with the Carriers of Light is on Thursday November 7th at 6AM Pacific, 9AM Eastern, 3PM Central European time. This call is 90 minutes.

All calls will be recorded so don’t worry if you can’t join live!

Activate your Superpower Now

It's time to turn what may feel like a curse into your gift. Your sensitivity can be your strength and a valuable asset so you are energized and can tap into your intuition with ease! With this program you'll get practical tools you can use immediately as well as deep healing and timeless insights.

Get access now for the Early Bird price!

Client testimonial

Michelle Stevens
USA - My Body My Queen

I loved our live calls and the insights that Iris provided in each one. I am so thankful for the messages she received and delivered to us.

My favorite tool was “grounding” and visualizing roots growing from me. As someone who feels like a nomad, this is so valuable for me.

The insight that I was born into this world as a sensitive soul on purpose is so affirming. I do believe that I am here for a bigger reason. I believe I am a healer now. Before this program, I didn’t fully accept that as my role in life.

Every call was so affirming. I appreciate your time and energy for being live.

Thank you for affirming that we have a knowing and different kinds of it. Sometimes I just know. I just got out of a situation where I knew, my intuition was talking, and I only recently found out the information about the situation that supported my feelings.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Being sensitive isn’t always easy. I know I’ve cursed it on numerous occasions

But once I knew how to do things differently I was able to avoid the negative side-effects: the things that drained me and made me feel miserable.

I know this life has brought me things I would not have consciously asked for. One of those is that I was chosen to be the emissary for the Carriers of Light. They are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light. And they have a message for you now:

“You are special—deep down you know you are. But at some point you started to believe there was something wrong with you. We tell you that you are perfect just the way you are—because you are the way you are. It is time for you to release what’s been holding you back and step into the spotlight. To stand tall and shine your beautiful light. You deserve to be seen. The world needs you to be seen. Follow your heart to where it guides you and know you can never choose wrong when your intuition is your beacon and your North Star. Tap into your heart and feel the love that is there—multiply that by infinity and you’ll feel what we feel for you. You are precious.”

vicky brooks
Vicky Brooks
Kansas City, MO, USA

This is an excellent program. I feel much more in touch with my sensitivity. It’s always been there, but I was too close to see it.

The forum is a very viable tool to learn from all the members of the group. There is a lot of information there. I like all of Iris’s programs, but this one was especially helpful. The Superpower program has it all. You get the weekly course work to read. The forum to ask questions and get feedback, then time with Iris for in person questions.

Working with Iris is wonderful. She puts out a loving light that has helped me open up and become the person I was meant to be. I have learned how to Ground myself and that has been a huge piece in opening up my life to new adventures. I highly recommend working with her!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know whether I’m a sensitive soul (highly sensitive person)?
A: Click here to take my free sensitivity quiz.

Q: Is there a refund policy?
A: Yes there is. If you do the work and actively participate on every call, and you still feel like the program made no difference then I will give you a full refund within 7 business days. Your refund request must be made via email by the day after our last Q&A call. There is no refund for change of mind.

Q: I’ve already tried so much and none of it really worked. How is this different?
A: That’s probably because you have been treating the symptoms. With this program we dive into the root cause of your problem: the fact that you are highly sensitive and need to learn how to deal with that and take care of yourself in a different way. What’s required is a paradigm shift. And quite likely deep healing (which we’ll do together.)

Q: I already have a full schedule. How do I know I will have the time for this program?
A: Doing this program will save you time once you complete it. You are in overwhelm because you don’t know how to properly manage your energy. This program will increase your energy level, focus and productivity. So it’s an investment that will keep on giving back.

Q: What if I can’t make it to a live call?
A: No worries, everything is recorded so you can always relisten to the call. Plus you can ask me questions on our private forum as well.

Q: When will you offer it again?
A: I don’t know if and when I will offer this program again. If it speaks to you I would seize the opportunity now. Why wait when your sensitivity is holding you back every single day and you could have more energy and confidence through this program right now?

Q: When are the calls?

A: The live weekly group Coaching Q&A calls are on Wednesday October 30th, Wednesday November 6th, Thursday November 14th, Wednesday November 20th and Wednesday December 4th.

All 1-hour Coaching Calls are at 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European time, except on October 30th when due to difference in Daylight savings the call is at 8AM Pacific, 11AM Eastern, 4PM Central European time.

The bonus live Gathering with the Carriers of Light is on Thursday November 7th at 6AM Pacific, 9AM Eastern, 3PM Central European time. This call is 90 minutes.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend everything live. All calls will be recorded!

Q: I’m afraid I don’t have the energy to take this program
A: I know it can seem daunting but I also know that when you learn to manage your sensitivity and your energy, you will feel revived. Your energy level will increase (if not skyrocket) and you will be able to do so much more than you ever thought possible—and feel lighter and happier.

Q: Money is tight for me right now. I’m not sure this is the right investment
A: Not having a handle on your sensitivity probably costs you money—every day you are in overwhelm or not fully confident and productive is a day you waste money. Getting a grip on your sensitivity ensures that you are able to support more clients or do a better job because you get more done in a day. So it helps you earn more money. Plus when you stand taller you are so much more attractive to your ideal clients and you will magnetize them to you. Energy really is everything. And I’ve created a payment plan to make joining more accessible. [Of course you know your situation best, but if you read this far it’s possible that money is simply an excuse not to take this step. It’s worth asking yourself that question and be honest about the answer…]

Q: Where is the private forum located?
A: Our private forum is hosted on a special server in a private environment. You’ll get login details once you register. Only participants of this program have access to the posts on our forum.

Activate your Superpower Now

It's time to turn what may feel like a curse into your gift. Your sensitivity can be your strength and a valuable asset so you are energized and can tap into your intuition with ease! With this program you'll get practical tools you can use immediately as well as deep healing and timeless insights.

Get access now for the Early Bird price!


Paul Vrenken
Veldhoven, The Netherlands - Triskal

Thanks to this program I am more conscious of my energy level. I understand and embrace my sensitivity more—and use it for myself and others. Just knowing that I’m ‘allowed’ to be sensitive is a big relief.

I have also gotten a lot of confidence from the exercises, activations and calls. I have more self-knowledge, balance and focus. I finally know how I can protect my energy and I have incorporated the exercises into my daily routine. That gives a lot of grip and feels great.

The way Iris presents everyting gives me a lot of confidence, because of the energy behind the information and the way she talks about it. I really appreciate the diligence, integrity, sincerity and professionalism with which you do this Iris! If you are prepared to change from the inside out and want to feel better, in order to better support and connect with your clients then I can highly recommend this program for you.

About Program Leader,
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the creator of the SWEET POWERTM approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that showing up big requires.

Through her research, she’s identified four distinctive stages that sensitive souls experience in their growth process, and the underbelly of her work lies in helping that particular audience determine where they are on the growth curve, and​ ​discover​ ​the​ ​right​ ​steps​ ​to​ ​move forward—and​ shine bright.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Iris is the author of Radiant: How to Have All the Energy You Need to Live a Life You Love.

Activate your Superpower Now

It's time to turn what may feel like a curse into your gift. Your sensitivity can be your strength and a valuable asset so you are energized and can tap into your intuition with ease! With this program you'll get practical tools you can use immediately as well as deep healing and timeless insights.

Get access now for the Early Bird price!

Saskia Slotboom
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Slotboom Coaching

I am very satisfied with the program. I am now less often overwhelmed by emotions and stimuli around me, and I am more serious about taking care of myself. I am more aware of the state that I am in and when others ‘enter my space’. I now recognize when I need to take action. Things cost me less energy now because I am better at protecting my boundaries.

Through this program I have also learned to feel whether an emotion is mine or someone else’s by doing the easy and very useful exercises. I really loved those! The exchange between the participants works powerful as well. You learn a lot from the questions others ask, that’s very valuable. The visualizations that Iris guided us through were very beautiful and powerful. I can highly recommend this program if you want to get a grip on your sensitivity!

© 2024 Bright Eyes