Last night I woke up with a feeling of unease. A feeling that something was wrong—even though I couldn’t pinpoint what that might be. It was an overpowering sense of loss, of something being off.
I remembered to breathe in love and exhale worry. And that helped a little, but an underlying feeling of discomfort r…
March is a month of change. Many of you have been feeling that change is afoot and you’ve tried to hide. Tried to hold on to the life you know in so many very subtle ways.
Very few of you have taken the step forward and claimed the new you. There is no harm done and nothing lost if you haven’t stepped forward ye…
We are meant to shine. Our souls are effortless joy and love—conjured from light.
We are meant to stand out.
We are meant to own our uniqueness.
Perhaps the greatest game of all is not just that we forgot who we truly are—at our core—but that we are taught, indoctrinated through our culture, that we are …
Life is about riding the ups-and-downs. The ups are fun, gliding on high. It’s the downs we need to learn to navigate. To not be pulled under by a current that’s deeper than we can reach. To not keep looking through a dark lens, rather than taking a step away for some perspective.
Life can hit us hard, and usual…
Reading is important for our development—no matter our age. I often hear people say they only read non-fiction because they don't have time for novels.
I think that's a pity as well as a misunderstanding. Non-fiction feeds the mind but fiction feeds the soul and the imagination!
A good novel can be soothing as …
Do you know the feeling
That something is wrong with you.
That even though people pretend they like you,
They can’t
Not truly
If they knew you.
But you know.
You know that deep inside something is off,
Is different.
YOU are different.
You’ve always known you weren’t quite n…
Today is Thanksgiving in the US and that's always a perfect day to think about gratitude.
I've hosted three Gratitude Projects and I highly believe in cultivating an attitude of gratitude. And I know it's usually fairly easy to be grateful for the good stuff.
But what about the things we are not happy with? We ca…
I felt called to share this message from the Carriers of Light with you:
The time has come to take a new step in evolution. We ask you to take up your birthright and really be who you are. We ask you to see the beauty and the light in yourself and others.
You are such a wonderful, beautiful creature. You have the…
We want you to know you are here for a reason. The delays in your life—personal and professional—are instigated. You are ready. Ready to fly high and wide.
Fear not that you are doing something wrong. There is no need to worry, things have been set in motion long ago and the lack of visible fruition is not a mea…
It's a simple concept, really. Listening to your heart, your soul.
But in practice it turns out to be rather challenging. Rather than taking the time in the morning to tune in or do your inner work you decide to write that email or check one more thing off your To Do list. And when you're in bed at night you realize…