Are you stepping up to the plate?

November 26, 2013

I just had a powerful session with a client, in which a new perspective was given to a situation. As he phrased it: "a door that has been locked for a very long time is now finally open". And that really sums up a lot of the things that are happening in the energy at the moment. The energy is quite intense and powerful…

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3 steps to get what you want

November 26, 2013

We all want things. You probably have a pretty clear list of what that is. More money, more love, more freedom, more friends, more clients, more time, more energy (more dresses ;-) Does any of that resonate? So how can you ensure that you get what you want? I would suggest the next 3 steps: 1. Get clear on what it is…

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How to let your Self shine through

November 26, 2013

I’m just loving the flow today. I got so much done, none of what I planned, but really huge strides forward! Connecting with a dear friend and colleague we were bouncing ideas of each other as we often do. Sharing and brainstorming as we go (and lots of laughter). And suddenly a lot of things clicked together. For me…

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Radiant book flowers

Why you need to slow down

November 26, 2013

It seems so obvious, and yet I know a lot of people make this mistake. Myself included. To keep running around, being busy and doing lots of stuff, getting things ready, going through the motions of keeping all your plates spinning. And then we forget to take some time to slow down. I was recently forced to slow dow…

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Lessons from my big toe

November 26, 2013

Almost 2 weeks ago I went to the market to pick up fabric for new curtains. Beautiful lavender linen. It didn’t come packaged as I had expected or I would not have come by bike. We got creative and strapped the cylinder with the linen on my bike like a rocket. I was pretty proud of myself and took a picture of it, as…

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Are you a recovering perfectionist?

July 5, 2013

I’m perfect. I wish. Sometimes. I used to think I had to be perfect to be anything. To be loved, to be appreciated, to be seen, to be valuable. You name it. Not on a conscious level. No, I just had high standards. And I expected others to live up to those. But more importantly, I had to really be flawless at them mys…

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Top 5 Reasons to Raise your Vibration

July 5, 2013

There are a lot of benefits to raising your vibration and I’ll share the top 5 with you: 1. You will have more energy Because you vibrate at a higher level your have more access to the ‘power’ of your energetic body and thus energy flows in more freely and easily. A higher vibration increases your overall w…

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You are worthy

You are worthy

July 5, 2013

This is a message that came through a while ago. Now seems to be the perfect time to share it. Believe in yourself and you are worthy. Lots of people have low self esteem, this is due to a couple of factors: One is that you come from God (Spirit, Source, Universe, use a term that works for you) and have a vague m…

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What gets me through the day

July 5, 2013

Last week I was in Saratoga Springs, NY for a training retreat. This picture is of me and Shelly, a fellow participant and dear friend. Several of the other participants asked me how I was able to be fully present without being drained by sitting next to other people. And how I could participate without being overwhelm…

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How to Triple your Power to Manifest

July 5, 2013

Over the past years I have experienced moments of extreme flow and abundance and times of being stuck and not seeing anything take form. I would like to share with you 3 tips that have helped me greatly in increasing my ability to create things & experiences and being in the flow to receive. 1. Be aware of 'negativ…

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