Time to shine!

November 19, 2014

This weekend I’ve hosted my yearly 2-day event Healing Heaven. A powerful event where participants are invited to go deep and do some intense transformational work. Of course I can’t host this and not be affected. It always invites me to go deeper as well. In the days after the workshop I felt I am invited to take …

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Your Soul needs to Recharge

November 5, 2014

Today let's talk about integrating change on a soul level. It is something that is often taken for granted. Like the car that is always running. It is the processor that is present in the background. Not asking for much attention, unless problems arise. It’s the same with your soul. As you move through your life y…

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What is your hidden abundance barrier?

October 7, 2014

If you are currently not experiencing the life of your dreams, chances are something is holding you back. Very often we are influenced by underlying programming that influences our thoughts and actions.     As you may know the inner creates the outer, which means that anything that is not congrue…

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Are you honouring your gift?

September 10, 2014

I had planned to go to a training retreat in Florida. For various reasons I decided not to go. Which meant I suddenly had a week open up in my calendar. A full week with no appointments and no obligations. After watching the movie The Guardian I suddenly knew what to do with that time (and no, I am not training to j…

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Are you in No Man's Land?

August 26, 2014

Do you know those nights where you lie in bed and can’t sleep? Something is bothering you. You may now what it is or it can just be a restlessness that won’t go away. Well, I have had my share of these nights this week. There was something going on in the physical world that could contribute to part of that worryin…

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5 Major Manifesting Mistakes

August 13, 2014

The inner creates the outer. Everything that transpires into the physical world was first conceived in thought form. The principle is pretty simple. Where things go wrong is in the following areas. This is what most often gets in the way of manifesting your desires: You are not releasing control (your tight grip slows…

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Why self-love is hard

July 29, 2014

It is often easy to see something beautiful in people around you. To love them for who they fully are, to see their strengths and what they are good at. It is not so easy when it comes to seeing your own beauty. We complain about wrinkles and a little extra weight. We see what is not perfect or the way we want it to be…

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How to neutralize cell-phone radiation

July 20, 2014

I have often been asked to write about this topic. When I was asked again last month I figured I really need to share this information as there is so much demand for it. Although I don’t see myself as, nor am I, an expert on this topic, I am more sensitive than most people. And over the years I have learned ways to p…

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Deal with stress without cracking

July 15, 2014

People often write about flow. What is flow? According to the dictionary it is ‘to move in a continuous and smooth way’ or ‘to deform under stress without cracking or rupturing’. The latter is used for minerals and rocks mainly, but I found it intriguing ;-). I often see how we each go through our own form of s…

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How to Dare Greatly

July 1, 2014

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly… who at the best knows in the end the tr…

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