What is taking place this summer as the rise in vibration reaches an all-time peak is the transformation of many relationships. You will see that people you were meant to attract will find you and those you are no longer resonating with will be moving on. The ones you connect with will aid and assist you in part of you…
This is a message I received from the Carriers of Light recently.
"We need to tell you something important. The earth is on the verge of a breakthrough. The collective wisdom is about to open up to a major new insight. On a conscious level the vibration will reach the frequency in which people are more fully able t…
This is something I see happen so often. In fact, the more spiritual people are and the more sensitive, the more often I come across it. I’ll paint you a picture.
We’re looking at someone who is sensitive, most likely more sensitive than he or she is aware. What (s)he does know is that being around other people …
Het herlezen van het boek van Brené Brown: 'The gifts of Imperfection, let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are' inspireerde me om dit te schrijven. Met name hoofdstuk 4: Cultivate Gratitude and Joy. Ze ontdekte dat iedereen die ze interviewde die aangaf een vreugdevol leven te hebben, act…
I regularly receive the question of how people can practice automatic writing, or inspired writing as I prefer to call it.
The concept is pretty simple. It’s a way to access your intuition and bypass your mind. For some people this is a really great way to receive intuitive insights. And the good news is: everyone…
Ok. Like I said. Big announcement today. And I have to be honest, I´m a little nervous. I really am stepping out of my comfort zone to share this with you all. I´ve known for several months that this moment was coming and I feel everything has been falling into place. Both I and my surroundings have been prepped for …
In the past few weeks I received great clarity for myself and my business during a deep internal process. I got clear on where the energy was stagnant, where things were not in the flow and where I was not having fun in my business. This lead to some important shifts and changes and helped me lay a new foundation for m…
Do you ever feel like you’re on to something, a good idea, a new product, a price increase, a spontaneous action? But you feel the need to run it by someone? You just feel you’re not quite ready to take that step? You either want this person to pat you on the back and tell you what a wonderful idea it is and that y…
If you are reading this, chances are you are more sensitive than most people. Many people think being sensitive means being weak. I know that’s what I have thought for years. No wonder I didn’t want to be seen as sensitive—it was never a compliment. More often a complaint.
I was trying to fit in and go with th…
So what is sensitivity? I believe it is a way of being. It is the ability to sense what not everyone else senses. It is the tendency to know or feel things that your mind might not be able to grasp. It is the ability to pick up on things that are going on around you. It can be a hunch, a contraction in your stomach or …