I’ve been stuck plenty of times in my life and over time I've gotten pretty good at getting myself unstuck. Although I have to say that is something I have had to learn. If you who have trouble getting unstuck or for whenever you get stuck again (don’t we all, at some point?) I am sharing my 3 tips to get back in t…
Your joy is your passion. Your passion is what makes your heart beat. Your heart pumps much needed oxygen through your system. It's your lifeline. So is joy.
I'm guessing there are times where you see joy as something extra, a bonus. I invite you to rethink that. I used to think the same. So much needs to be done, s…
If it’s not inside you, you can’t find it outside. Not for long and not for real.
Lack of self-love can result in many depriving patterns. Whether you are filling yourself up with food; filling up that hole inside with your drug of choice or choose to engage in meaningless sex. Whether you turn to your work and …
A while back I wrote several stories and I feel now is the time to share them. They are in the form of what looks like a parable. Here is the second one:
There was a girl that was living amidst the animals of the forest. She was in tune with their spirits and communicated with them as if they all spoke the same languag…
Fear is everywhere. It is easy to give in to fear. It's much harder to take a stand and decide against fear.Fear is running most of our life, if we are not careful.Our subconscious is programmed with survival mode, meaning it wants you to steer away from anything that is not familiar. To step out of your comfort zone m…
Deep inside sometimes you can feel a knowing, a hint of something your mind cannot comprehend but that you know nonetheless. This is what I would call eternal wisdom or universal wisdom. A soul connection to something that transcends time and space.
As Shakespeare wrote:
"There are more things in heaven and earth…
A friend of mine often says that people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And I totally agree. The problem arises in not recognizing it. (By the way, here you can see me and my grandmother, definitely a life-long relationship).
We often judge the quality of a relationship by its length.
A l…
Your lunch is important. Not just what you are eating, most of you are aware of that, but also how you are eating it.
Yes, that’s right.
We are all busy and usually our To Do list is longer than we can get done today. This sense of pressure makes us feel like there is not enough time and before you know it you …
I often see people panic and freeze when things are not going their way. Whether it is about a lack of money, the failure of a project, the loss of something or a simple lack of flow. I’ve seen it time and again. Perhaps that’s our old fight or flight response. But when things go wrongs and pressure starts building…
This year will be a year of changes throughout. Not like the past year in which many deep transformations took place. We know many of you are still reeling from that.It is time for you to become aware of the power that lays dormant inside you. You have something unique to give and the world needs that. And it needs it …