Want to stay healthy? Stay CALM!

March 14, 2020

I understand that all the media coverage is sending people into worry and stress. Stress is one of the worst things for your immune system. It pretty much eats up your resistance. So the best antidote is to stay calm. Relax. Yes things are happening, and yes you have to be smart about it and wash your hands, eat …

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3 main mistakes to avoid pain

March 7, 2020

Today I will share with you how to open your heart to more love, and what most of us do wrong in this area [thus cutting ourselves off from not just love but our life-force energy!] In this post (and the next) I'll share my best tips and exercises as well as what to look out for when it comes to opening your heart. …

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Do you miss HOME?

February 28, 2020

There are different kinds of home. The place you grew up in, the space you live in now, the kind of home you feel when someone is so very familiar. And they are all important. But the home I believe we miss most is the home of our soul. The place where we were all one. In Lift the Veil, that's what we'll be conne…

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Peek behind the curtain of your soul

February 20, 2020

When you came into your human body you hid part of your brilliance, part of your awareness—simply because it did not fit. Your soul cannot be contained by your physical body, and in order to not feel too incomplete you hid part of your soul and dimmed your awareness. So if you ever felt like you were missing so…

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When to push through and when to surrender

January 21, 2020

I know all about pushing through. There were days (years!) I was the Queen of pushing through. I didn’t stop. I kept going until I literally had nothing left to give. I had burned myself out by giving so much of myself to everyone and everything around me. I felt responsible. Responsible for doing a good job—…

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How to focus on what you DO want

December 17, 2019

Want to learn how to focus on what you do want, rather than worry about all the things you don’t want to happen? What you focus on you attract. That’s what you’re feeding—literally. It’s how your brain works. Like when you’re skiing or driving and you spot a big tree and you really don’t want to go …

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How to navigate December [without going batshit crazy]

December 7, 2019

It’s the time of year for those of us in the Northern hemisphere that the change in season starts to hit us harder. Most of us pretend nothing has changed and we continue full speed as if it is summer and our body is receiving a lot of light and vitamin D. It isn’t. It’s almost officially winter and our …

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Caught between a rock and a hard place

November 1, 2019

This week was hectic to say the least. I’m in the middle of an adventure—the details of which I’m not yet ready to share—and it’s been challenging. I had to make a decision and the specialists advising me took position on opposite sides of the spectrum. One said “It’s impertinent to ask that questio…

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Are you holding back?

October 11, 2019

I felt inspired to share this message with you, because at some point we all hold back. If not in our entire life then probably at least in one area. There is always a place in our life where we are not going full out. If so, this is for you: Living full out is living a life of abundance, joy and laughter. Of rev…

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You’re using the wrong variables

October 4, 2019

We often hold an obscured view of the past. A view that is clouded at best. Research shows that most of the time things didn’t even happen the way we remembered it—let alone we can judge the reasons for what unfolded correctly. Or what that person’s true intentions were. Yet it matters. Our experience, o…

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