Your dreams are your steering mechanism
May 25, 2021

You can have what you dream of. You just need to believe it yourself.
Do not give up on your dreams because they do not unfold as expected. Do not give up on your dreams because the work is infinitely harder than you had imagined. Do not give up on your dreams because you lose hope.
Find hope in what has already happened, in the miracles you witnessed and lived. Find hope in the smile of a stranger and the touch of a friend. Find hope in all the stories with happy endings for there is one written especially for you.
Find hope in your heart—for you are loved. Loved deeply and unconditionally. Even when you can’t feel it, even when you don’t know where it is coming from. You are loved.
And you too are meant to fulfil your dreams. That’s why they were installed in you in the first place. The seed of your dreams is what you are born with. It’s your natural makeup.
You will draw your dreams to you even in if you pretend to forget about them.
What delays your dreams is the fear of losing them after they come to fruition. What delays your dreams is holding on tight to a specific form or manifestation.
What slows your dreams down is overcontrolling every aspect of your life.
Open yourself to the flow and the miracles around you. Allow yourself to open up to the intuitive nudges, the synchronicities and the support available all around you.
Allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself to lean back and receive. Let it flow to you.
Let it flow to you rather then you dragging the dream forward one excruciating step at the time.
Give yourself permission to enjoy life. To live your dream and enjoy its existence.
Trust your dreams. They are one of the most truest parts of you.
Your dreams are your steering mechanism, your beacons beckoning you forward. Allow your dreams to guide you home to the true you. To the one you are meant to become. To the real you without the layers you’ve added over time—thinking you were protecting yourself. While all it did was hold you back, tone you down, and delay your dreams.
It’s time to open up again. Open up your heart, open up your mind and your soul. Allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself to receive and create without abandon.
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