The power of left & right brain to merge head & heart

July 27, 2022


I started out using mostly my left brain. I did my MBA in the US, then I started my corporate marketing job. Even though there was quite a bit of creativity involved, it was mainly about the numbers. Of course, when it came to an ad campaign the work was more creative but mostly my job was both practical and strategic and entirely relying on my brain. I would never say ‘I have a feeling that…’ I would always have to prove with data what I was suggesting.

When I trained as a facilitator for brainstorming sessions that was very focused on right brain creative thinking. But the interesting thing is that a good brainstorming session is very structured and has different phases.

First you generate ideas—which is called divergence. Then in the second half of the brainstorm you conclude which ideas are good and compare those to the intentions and goals of the session. Then you narrow the ideas down through convergence, to ideas you will work on and develop further.

For me that was the transition period where I consciously needed both sides of my brain. In discovering my intuitive side, I took the importance of the balance between both the left and right brain into my work with clients.

I love working with people on both their personal development as well as their career or business because it’s never an isolated issue. Your private life impacts your professional life and vice versa.

I see that I have a real advantage because I do have that corporate background. I understand the challenges and what’s going on. And as an entrepreneur of 20 years, I’m able to relate and have practical experience with that part of things as well.

And then the extra layer is where I tap into my intuition. When I just know we need to focus on this or that aspect—I can sense when something is off. I know when the energy isn’t aligned.

That signals to me that it’s something we need to zero in on and have a look at.

Because either clients are (unconsciously) holding themselves back or they’re saying something but they don’t actually believe it.

Then we shift that misalignment which leads to massive and much faster and more powerful transformation.

If you have a feeling that something is a little off that’s calling for your attention and you’d like to explore possibilities to open up to more alignment and satisfaction with someone who has the skill to zero in on what’s really going on for you – apply for a complimentary Clarity Session here and we can chat about how I can support you.

Have a day full of energy and inspiration!


PS This is what Patrick Mouwen (entrepreneur) says about working with me:

“2020 was a memorable year for me. Not because of COVID ’19 but because of my re-awakening, powered by Iris.

After forcefully working from home because of COVID after several years of continuous business travelling, my 10-year marriage ended two months later. Iris helped me to identify where I had lost myself over the previous years. She gave me practical tips and valuable insights to improve my life. This helped me to feel more grounded, mindful and balanced but also to look at the recent events with gratefulness and non-resistance as opposed to self-criticism and grief. In other words: to use both mindset and ‘heartset’.

I am personally very grateful to Iris and I would definitely recommend her to support you in your life including your career. I felt completely supported by Iris when I needed it most. If you team up with Iris as well, you’ll be surprised of the minimal amount of words Iris needs to coach you. She embodies her ‘sweet power flow’ we all need to embrace to live a happier life.”

PS If you’re interested in my SWEET POWERTM Transformative Mentoring program then fill in this application form so we can see if we’re the right fit.

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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