This is what's truly happening now [soul perspective]

April 3, 2020

airplane window

Last week during the Lift the Veil program one of the participants asked The Carriers of Light to share their perspective on what is happening in the world right now.

Their answer was illuminating so I wanted to share it with you too:

“The situation at hand is inviting everyone to step up. To step up to being more. To step up to being more visible, more vulnerable, more available.

Stepping up to be more present, more connected, more open to not only the nudges from the Universe but to what is actually happening on this planet Earth. Of what humans have put in motion collectively. Of what humans have put in motion collectively and the earth is now suffering.

The earth is now suffering the abuse, the neglect and the not paying attention to the effects and the aftereffects of what has been done. Been done in the mining, deforestation. Been done in taking precious metals and minerals, building in places where there should not have been built and where there is being created a disbalance of nature.

A disbalance of nature that is being corrected. A disbalance of nature that has had its effect on humans as well. On humans and on the physical body. For the human body is intertwined with this physical planet that you live on. This physical planet that you live on that is supporting you, that is nurturing you, that is allowing you to relax and rest and release. […]

People are afraid. People are afraid and are looking for direction. People are afraid and are looking for direction and for clarity. For clarity on what to do, on what not to do, on which course to steer.

And we ask that you see that this is a reset. This is a reset, a wake up call, a redirection. A redirection of your planet, a redirection of your people.

And the more you allow yourself to see this as an opportunity, an opportunity to create anew, an opportunity to start from scratch, an opportunity to re-envision, to recreate and to reconsider.

The more you allow yourself to see that this is a fabulous opportunity to start anew, to let go of preconceived notions. To let go of preconceived ways of connecting, of doing business, of being in business. If you allow yourself to see this as an opportunity, an opportunity to create new standards, an opportunity to create new modules, an opportunity to create new ways of doing business. Doing business interpersonally, doing business intercontinentally and doing business even interdimensionally.

Allowing yourself to open up beyond this 3D world. Allowing yourself to open up beyond this 3D world that is so confined to your thinking mind. The more you as a people, the more you as business owners or as consultants allow yourself to open up your heart and your mind wide to new opportunities and to new constructs, to new ways. The more you will be able to ride this wave of change.

This wave of change that is sweeping throughout the world and will leave in its wake a fresh new slate. A fresh new slate just as a volcano leaves very fertile ground after devastation. Just as a volcano leaves very fertile ground after it’s completed its course and after it’s taken away that which no longer serves.

So the more you’re able to stand fast, the more you are able to believe in your worth. The more you are able to believe that you are here for a reason and that you have more to offer, the more you’re able to believe and to see that you are not yet done, that your game is not complete. That there is more parts to be put in play, that there is more parts we put in motion and that there is more to be experienced, more to be created, more to be seen, more to be loved, more to be lived. [..]

The more you’re able to release and let go of what you thought was true, of what you thought was the right way, of what you thought was the best way to move forward, the more you’re able to approach every single day with curiosity and with an open mind. The more you’re able to flow with what is happening on this planet, the more you’re able to ride with the wave rather than be taken away with it.

Give yourself permission to see beyond what you’ve ever seen before. Give yourself permission to unleash the power that is inside you, this power that you have contained, this power that you’ve caged in, this power that you’ve held back. Allow yourself to shine your light brightly. […]

The catalyst for change for things that can be created anew in this world, for you to create new foundations. New foundations to live, new foundations to connect, new foundations to do business, new foundations to teach and to learn, for new foundations to have societies cooperate and co-exist together.

For you are ready for this change.

You are ready for this change that you’ve been collectively resisting. You’re ready for this change that you’ve collectively resisted so much that you have created this trigger. This trigger that is so forceful, that is spreading across nations all around the globe, forcing each and every one of you in their own way to make a shift, to make a change, to know that you cannot stay the same.

You cannot stay the same and survive. You cannot stay the same and thrive. You are being encouraged. You are being invited. You are being supported into shifting and changing and to embracing the true power that lies within. The true power that lies within inside your soul, inside your heart, inside your mind. […]

You’re in the perfect position, in the perfect place in your life, in the perfect place on your soul’s path to make the shift and to make this change.

We tell you that you are ready. You are ready to embrace this new world and to have a joyous adventure on this new earth plane. And so it is.”

I hope this resonates. It felt too important not to share 🙂

Be well and be safe!


PS You can check out Lift the Veil here



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