The thing that changed everything when it came to my energy levels
May 20, 2022

For more than eight years I had vague complaints of fatigue. Complaints that preceded my burnout and never went quite away afterwards. From time to time I went to see a doctor and they would check my blood and other stats. Every single time they concluded that I was totally fine.
Except I didn’t feel it.
Until someone recommended a naturopath who had been able to help someone else with their vague problems of being tired.
Within thirty minutes he concluded I had hypoglycemia. He said, “You have energy for four hours per day and you do the rest on willpower. And it is damaging your organs.”
I realized I had to change something. Per his recommendation I started a strict diet with no yeast, sugar and white flour. And I embraced a more Ayurvedic lifestyle.
It was during that process that things really started to change for me.
It was right after my honeymoon. I had quit my job a few weeks before the wedding. I wasn’t happy there and this allowed me some time to prepare for the wedding. I got a lot of offers for job interviews but I never got past the second interview. Afterwards I learned I was too drained so I wasn’t coming across well.
The wakeup call at the naturopath led me to stop applying for jobs.
I had to focus on getting healthy first. I had the luxury of having a husband with a good income and he agreed I needed to take the time out to focus on getting healthy again.
Because I took that time to focus on my health, I had the space to figure out what I really wanted to do.
As a result, I started the training to become a facilitator for brainstorming sessions.
I was really excited about that. I already had some experience with creative thinking from my corporate marketing days and I loved it.
It allowed me to focus on working with people, ideas and using the brain in a conscious way.
That education was really fantastic. I loved the freedom and the variety of people. Our group included artists, a female master chef, people working for the government as well as consulting firms. It was a really interesting mix.
Giving myself that freedom to discover what I needed to be happier and healthier was the gateway to understanding what really makes me joyful and excited vs. all the things I had done that were logical and expected of me, but just weren’t making me happy and fulfilled.
Now I help my clients through that exact same process to understand what they really feel excited by, to start to take action to build a life that fills them with energy like never before. Even if you don’t have the option to take an extended leave from work, you can find that clarity and start to build the life you’re craving.
If you’re feeling the call to get clarity on the next steps of a life that really excites you, to get your energy back and find some answers on what you need now, then my SWEET POWERTM Transformative Mentoring is for you.
We’ll meet every two or three weeks and dive deep via ZOOM video. Typically clients feel a major power shift after just one session. Together, we’ll set a big goal, and then use a unique intuitive approach to guide our work.
Click the link to fill in the application form so we can connect for a quick complimentary call and see if I’m the right mentor for you.
Have a day full of energy and inspiration!