How to Boost your Immune System

June 5, 2020

interview karen1

I hope you are doing well and this finds you in good health!

In many countries things are starting to open up again and that sparked the idea to interview genetic eating expert Karen Vago.

I met Karen in a mastermind in the US and love her passion for supporting the body via the right nutrition.

In this interview we talk about what lowers your immune system as well as what you can do to strengthen it—not only to fight viruses but to balance your body.

Some of the pearls of wisdom you’ll get:

  • 5 tips to boost your immune system
  • Foods you should (not) eat according to your genes
  • A way to determine how much vitamin C your body needs


Karen explains why your blood type matters and why chocolate is good in these times as well! (My personal favorite.)

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it 😉


PS If you want to read more about Karen and her work click here

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