Are you team busy bee or team lazybones?

August 30, 2024

Time is the strangest thing, perception is too.

This morning I saw a million things I still want to do. Some I really ‘have’ to do. There are several workshops I joined that I want to watch, I’m reading an interesting book and added another to my ‘to be read’ list, not to mention the millions of things in and around the house that are patiently awaiting my attention. Let alone the to-do list for my business.

Nothing new. Right?

Except yesterday I looked around and felt like there was plenty of time to sit in the sun and read. When I looked at things that needed doing, nothing seemed more important than getting vitamin D, relaxation and put my feet on the grass.

While this morning I could barely fathom not seeing the seemingly endless list of things that I not only can do, but want to do.

So I asked myself “What happened?”

And I realized that it’s a matter of energy. What changed was not just my focus but my state of being. That to-do list didn’t magically go away for a while but it simply didn’t matter at that moment. Getting things done was literally less important than resting and recharging in nature.

Now you probably know that you need to fill your own cup first before you’ll have something valuable to give to others. Taking good care of yourself is definitely part of this equation. But it’s also a matter of being able to sense what you need, what your body needs, what the day itself is most optimal for.

It can be tempting to plough forward and keep ticking things off your to-do list. It does give a great feeling when you get things done. Research has shown that checking the box on an activity gives you a surge of dopamine—and that can be addictive.

The more you’re focused on your pile of activities, the harder it is to sense what you actually need. Not just what your body needs to be healthy, or what your brain needs to function well, or what you think your business or job or partner needs (or wants) from you.

But the more you are head-down in the rat race, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between what sounds like a good idea in your mind and what is actually an aligned idea or inspired action. And knowing what demands your attention now. Not from a state of ‘should’ but from a state of flow.

You’re probably very familiar with doing loads. But how familiar are you with conscious rest? With being fully present in the moment for long periods of time. Of trusting that you are exactly where you need to be and have all you need and always will?

The trick is when you become active to do so from a place of being aligned. Of not forcing yourself or circumstances but placing yourself in the flow. When you’re in the flow you’ll know what’s needed and will help you and whatever you’re trying to achieve most.

You’ll notice that in a state of flow you get a lot done—perhaps surprisingly so—and it usually comes with a sense of ease. When you’re in the flow things feel effortless. And that’s because you’re not swimming against the current but are moving with it.

It’s less tiring than pushing through and much more effective. You’ll literally get more done. And that frees up space for those days or moments of rest. In case you need another reason to want to be in the flow.

So I’m on ‘team busy bee’ and achieve that by at times doing (seemingly) nothing 😉.

If you want to learn how to be in the flow more often and with more ease, then I can help.

I have a spot open for private mentoring.


PS The higher your vibration, the easier it is to be in a state of flow. The Carriers of Light help you raise your vibe through their timeless wisdom and healing energy. Join the Light Vault for free and get immediate access to audio-recordings and video replays.

Get access to the free Light Vault here

PPS An admiral butterfly landed next to my laptop as I was writing this article and sat there for minutes 🙂

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