
Get the secret map of your soul

A VIP day with Iris van Ooyen

Pink roses on the table, and a cup of steaming hot herbal tea with organic dark chocolate on the side—because chocolate helps you ground and be fully present after your trip. You lean back in a comfy chair and smell the warmth of cinnamon with a hint of citrus.

You settle back and your shoulders drop down slightly. Breathing deeply, you feel the calm wash over you—you’ve come to the right place.

You feel your heart and mind open. That one mental door that was always reluctant finally gives in as well. Energy rushes through you, combined with ancient knowledge. You know that tingling feeling, it feels like—HOME.

Your soul speaks to you all the time

Whether you are aware of it or not. But it isn’t always easy to hear what it is saying, or to interpret its message.

I can translate the sacred whispers from your soul into clarity and tangible actions. I’ve been doing so for over a decade for my individual clients.

People who make an impact and express themselves in their unique way all have one thing in common—care to guess what it is?

They are aligned with their soul

  • Are you in alignment with your soul and its calling?
  • Where are you on your soul's journey—and, more importantly, where are you going?
  • What does your soul want you to know now? Because it's been trying to reach you in so many different ways and now is the time to stop second-guessing yourself and get crystal clear. On EVERYTHING.

Client testimonial

Mark Sutherland
Cambridge, New Zealand - Coach to 2 Olympic & 9 world champions

Iris nailed it every time. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is exactly what I need to hear. In our sessions together I get great clarity about what I need to do. She opened my eyes, I was really buzzing and have been buzzing ever since. This has created a new level of motivation and drive. Thanks for your intuition Iris – I appreciate it. It’s extremely valuable.

Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

Being aligned to your soul doesn't happen by chance—it's part of a conscious process

A process I will take you through during your VIP day.

After these three luxurious hours you will feel on top of the world—and your life. Because you won’t settle for less. Fortunately, neither will I.

A VIP day is right for you when

  • You know you are called to do and be MORE
  • You realize your soul is talking to you, but can it speak a bit clearer and louder please?
  • You want to connect to your soul purpose and honor that yearning you feel deep inside. Because you know there is more to life than this
  • You want to blast through what's been keeping you from living your dreams. And it's about time
  • You get stuck between your head and your heart—is this fear or my intuition talking?—and you want help navigating your best path
  • You want to make a bigger impact, because you know you have more to give (so much more love, contribution and wisdom, all straight from your heart!)
  • You no longer want to waste time and energy on trial and error—you just want to know what you came here to do!

Get the secret map of your soul

Book your three-hour VIP day now. Takes place either in person in Breda, The Netherlands or virtual via Skype video. If you live outside the EU: don't worry about the VAT. It will go away when you fill in your country.

Only one slot per month available!

This is how your VIP day works

During a luxurious three-hour session we will dive deep into what your soul wants you to know. You’ll get the tea, the chocolate, and a lavish lunch 😉

I will use my intuitive magic to paint you a picture of your soul, what it wants for you and what you need to hear. You will get messages from your soul, your angels and your guides & teachers. And of course from the Carriers of Light.

I will show you your life from an eagle-eye perspective—so things can fall into place like never before.

We will work through underlying beliefs and behaviours and shift those into more appropriate and productive ones. I will use healing energy where needed so you can emerge reborn after our session.

Your VIP day will take place either in-person in Breda, The Netherlands or virtual via Skype video. You’ll float home with an audio-recording so you can relisten to the insights as often as you want.


Client testimonial

sabine van meenen
Sabine van Meenen
Knokke, Belgium -

Iris is able to coach to a depth that only few are capable of. She helped me run my business even more from who I truly am. Thanks to her support I trust my intuition more which spontaneously led to the creation of beautiful new things. I am able to stand taller, dare to set clearer boundaries and I feel happier, lighter, more powerful and free. So grateful our paths crossed. TOPCOACHING between heaven and earth!

What this VIP day will bring you?

  • Clarity on your soul's calling
  • The secret map your soul has laid out for you, so you no longer have to guess and wonder whether you are on track
  • Break through the barriers you never knew kept you from your soul’s dreams
  • Energetic realignment so your energy is in sync with your soul's path again (because we all get off track at some point). You'll feel ten pounds lighter, I promise.
  • Reality check: here’s what you need to shift and change to live the life of your dreams (and where to start)
  • We’ll shine a flashlight on how hurtful events were part of your original plan (no matter how painful they were…)—and how they contributed to your soul’s path
  • How to access your built-in GPS, because there is no need to get lost (and who wants to waste that time and energy, anyway?)

Get the secret map of your soul

Book your three-hour VIP day now. Takes place either in person in Breda, The Netherlands or virtual via Skype video. If you live outside the EU: don't worry about the VAT. It will go away when you fill in your country.

Only one slot per month available!

Client testimonial

Myrtle Vos
Hillegom, The Netherlands - Coach

I knew this was what I needed to get to a next level. It’s not that I was unhappy about my life or my work, but I knew there was more than was currently visible. I’ve been able to take huge steps thanks to Iris. She is able to work on layers that you cannot access yourself. After each session I experience a shift that continues to have its effects. Iris is extremely intuitive, razor sharp in her observations and very plugged in. She can clearly articulate what is needed right now. I don’t know anyone who can get to the core of things as fast as she can and who can so clearly show where things are off. The new energy is flowing, it’s like a ‘new me’ woke up. Thank you so much Iris!

About Creator,
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the creator of the SWEET POWERTM approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that showing up big requires.

Through her research, she’s identified four distinctive stages that sensitive souls experience in their growth process, and the underbelly of her work lies in helping that particular audience determine where they are on the growth curve, and​ ​discover​ ​the​ ​right​ ​steps​ ​to​ ​move forward—and​ ​kick​ ​a**.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Get the secret map of your soul

Book your three-hour VIP day now. Takes place either in person in Breda, The Netherlands or virtual via Skype video. If you live outside the EU: don't worry about the VAT. It will go away when you fill in your country.

Only one slot per month available!

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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