21 Days to More Energy, Less Stress, and a Healthy, Happy, Grounded Headspace That Feels Good to Be In.
Get a 15-20 guided meditation each day. Each activation contains a practical focus, where we’ll walk through a mental visualization on a different topic every day, so your body, mind and soul all get the attention they need—and you raise your vibration to the sky.
These three pillars are the key to everything when it comes to managing your energy—like hours and minutes, you only have so much energy in a day. (Even though most of us like to think we can do it all!) Which means that half the time when you’re beating yourself up for not being able to finish that project, pull it off, or keep it going, it’s not that you are a failure. It’s that your energy has failed. And there’s a critical difference.
Take this powerful scan now and you'll know immediately what your energy & stress level are like and where you land on the burnout scale. Includes practical tips tailored to the phase you're in. So you can immediately start to increase your energy level and lower your stress.
When you’re stressed, exhausted or overwhelmed and don't know where to begin to regain your energy or peace of mind, this private session helps you get clear on where to start. In one hour I'll help you get clear on what's impacting your energy and stress level and how to make the necesarry changes. At the end of this call you'll have clarity on your path forward and feel hopeful about the future.
If you feel too stressed or pressed for time to schedule a call with me, that's a clue you probably need this session most!
Being busy and tired is a disease of our time. But it is not normal to be tired most of the time.
TRUTH: We must learn how to take good care of ourselves, because we have never been taught.
Using personal stories, tips, and insights, Radiant will teach you how to move from being drained to having plenty of energy, and each section ends with an invitation to help you put the insights into practice.