The clean slate we all need
May 8, 2020

I hope this finds you well! I’m going through a bit of a reset right now and I know I’m not the only one. So if you feel a bit flu-ish know that it can be what I call a vibrational flu.
Of course don’t take any chances and be sure to stay home and away from people, just in case. That’s what I’m doing.
I’m taking it slow and that allows me to turn further inward and go through a clearing and healing.
And one of the things that kept coming up for me was ‘let go of preconceived notions‘.
I think letting go of what we thought was normal and allowing ourselves to find a new balance, a new way of doing things, is not just smart but required. But this goes further than that.
This is about letting go of our assumptions, letting go of the way things have worked in the past. We’re invited to start with a fresh slate. This global reset allows us to think and create anew.
Pretty exciting, right?
Open up further and wider. Not just your heart, but your mind. Open up the possibilities. Open up the time spans, open up anything and everything you’ve ever believed in.
Stretch yourself.
There is so much more possible than you are allowing yourself to believe.
The time constraints that you’ve placed upon things, the order in which things need to happen—or so you think. The possibilities that are available to some and not to others.
We invite you, we encourage you, we implore you to let go of everything you’ve ever believed.
Be free from burden, free from restraint. Be free from preconceived notions bogging you down, slowing you down, holding you back, and allow yourself to shine.
Let your light shine freely, brightly, radiantly. The world needs more lights.
The world needs more lights to shine with love, to shine with compassion, to shine with precision into those spots where it is needed.
Follow the nudges, the taps on your shoulder full of the inspiration and the inner guidance for it will never steer you wrong. Follow the true path that is being laid open before you.
Follow the path that is alighted right in front of you. Take one step at a time and trust that that path will unfold.
There is no need to know where you’ll end up.
There is no need to know how you will end up there.
And there is no need to know who will be there with you once you arrive.
Trust the process.
Allow yourself to be supported. Allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself to be loved.
It sounds easy but I know it’s not. I also know the magic that happens when you do allow yourself to open up and be supported. By humans and the Universe alike. So it’s worth taking a chance 😉
I know there is so much more in store for you, and for all of us!
Be well and be safe! Have a magical weekend 🙂
PS If you want support in getting ready for this next phase in your life then my virtual workshop Soul Facet Change might be for you.