Top 3 Reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail

January 7, 2014

12659800_sDid you make a New Year’s resolution? Things you said you would or wouldn’t do in this new year? How is that going so far?

According to Forbes Magazine only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Statistics show that 33% are already broken by the end of January. In my experience these are the 3 main reasons why that happens:

1. Your resolution may be something you think you ‘have to want’
It is either socially desirable or something you’ve always thought you wanted. So are your New Year’s resolutions really what you long for? Or are you not really interested in achieving them? Does it excite you? Or does it seem an insurmountable obstacle?

I recommend you to get rid of the ones that hold no excitement. Because then chances are slim that you actually want to do what it takes to get there. There needs to be an incentive, the creation of something that makes you happy. Whether that is losing weight, meditate more often or connect with potential clients. The end result needs to be enticing: being slimmer, calmer, supporting more people.

2. You have no idea how to realize it
So where to start if you have no clue. Chances are you are thinking about doing it but you don’t have a solid plan on how to achieve your goal. So instead of taking steps towards accomplishing your goal, you are getting frustrated because not much is happening. The more irritated you are the harder it is to be objective and get a clear view of what it is you need now to go ahead.

Sometimes you know something needs to get done but you simply don’t have the experience or the knowledge to do it. And that is perfectly alright. It then becomes about finding someone who does have the information you need. Whether it is a fitness coach who can tell you the best work-out schedule, a meditation expert to teach you about your daily tune-in or a healer that helps you embrace the parts of you that need attention.

3. You don’t have the support or accountability to make sure you go through with it
It’s hard to go through change on your own. Breaking patterns is not easy. And breaking them on your own can be pretty tough. I know from experience that the times when I was trying to accomplish change on my own it either took a very long time or it didn’t get done at all. Simply because it is so much harder to see where you get yourself stuck or where you are running around in circles.

To create lasting change you often need the support from someone who has been where you are and who can provide you with the insights, experience and encouragement that you need. I know I do. That’s why I invest in my own coach and mentor.

So don’t worry if you have already broken some of your New Year’s resolutions. It is about how you can achieve them and simply recommit to the changes you want to make in your life.

I designed an individual program that helps you create lasting change. It supports you in doing what you came here to do and in taking both the practical steps as well as receiving the intuitive insights and healing energy to support you in doing that. It is called the SWEET POWERTM mentoring program.

You can still join this powerful program. If this resonates, and you are ready to commit to lasting change and willing to invest in yourself and your business to achieve that, then I invite you to a complimentary Clarity Session.

In this call we will have a look at which changes you would like to see in your business and in your life, what your best next step could be and if I can support you with that through the SWEET POWER™ mentoring program.

Simply click here to apply for your spot.

I look forward to hearing from you! Let’s make this the best year ever!

There are only 3 complimentary sessions available.

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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