Quick tip to access endless posibilities

October 23, 2018


I tuned in this morning—as I do most mornings—and this powerful message came through. I just had to share it because I know how many people need to hear this right now:

You need to see the future for what it is: an array of endless possibilities. You keep a tight leash on your emotions and what is possible. When you can’t conceive of it you can’t see it, and when you can’t see it you can’t allow it.


Allow the emotions, the flow, the surprises, the joy. The Universe has so much in store for you and it can’t reach you most of the time because you have closed yourself off. You’ve set up a drip system by the door and unless someone or something follows the specs to a T you won’t receive it.


Follow the flow and where the future will take you. There is so much more joy to be had. So much more love and ease and fulfillment.

You’re living but a shadow of your dreams. And if you feel your life is pretty good right now, just imagine what it could be once you open up fully and let it all in.

Especially let more ease in. You humans are bound to set high expectations of yourselves and others. There is no need to be so hard on yourself. More fruition comes from joy and love. Love the hell out of yourself and others. And see the beauty take shape in front of your eyes.

There is so much more love to be had. Open your arms wide and receive.

Now I know that it is so much easier to keep those doors open when your vibration is higher. The more you experience lower level emotions like fear, anger, frustration—the harder it is to receive your full potential of anything.

The good news is that you can raise your vibration actively! One of the easiest ways is to follow my easy 21-day Activations.

You simply hit play and listen to the guided visualization for that day. After 15-20 minutes you’ll feel much lighter, more confident and balanced. And when you do, it is so much easier to receive the beauty, ease and joy.

YES I want the 21-day Activations and raise my vibration now

I want to read more about how these activations work


PS I’ve made doing the inner work easy. Now all you have to do is listen.

PPS Have you already done these activations? This might be a great time to relisten! Oh, and it makes a great gift 😉 Did you know you can schedule delivery for a specific date?

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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