5 Major Manifesting Mistakes
August 13, 2014
The inner creates the outer. Everything that transpires into the physical world was first conceived in thought form.
The principle is pretty simple. Where things go wrong is in the following areas.
This is what most often gets in the way of manifesting your desires:
- You are not releasing control (your tight grip slows down the process big-time.)
- You are dictating spirit HOW it needs to come to you (and by doing so you limit the limitless possibilities of the Universe)
- You are not allowing it into your energy field (and thus keep it at bay)
- You think you need to MAKE it happen (instead of allowing it to unfold)
- You think you need to do it all by yourself (instead of reaching out for support, energetic or otherwise)
All these things indicate something you are doing or not doing internally. Your mind gets in the way and very often you have gotten used to behave in a certain way. In order for things to change you need to shift the way you act and most of all the way you think. What I have learned is that an energetic shift will help you take the next step in the manifestation process.
Very often there is a belief that stands in the way or you have a negative experience that limits your ability to manifest. And to make matters worse, many spiritual people believe that it is ‘bad’ to long for abundance. In those cases there is often scar tissue that stands in the way or restricts the flow.
It is important to remember that everything is energy. Money is energy, love is energy. If you are not experiencing enough of either then you have an energy problem. So in order for things to change you need to shift the underlying energy that is ‘contaminating’ the crystal clear manifestation process.
And that is something I can help you with. Through my extensive experience and intuitive abilities I have helped many clients have more energy and experience more flow in their lives, so they can raise their vibration and fully do what they came here to do. And experience more abundance and love while they do that.
I am now opening up 3 spots for people to work with me individually. These slots are for coaches and entrepreneurs who are ready to ‘move’ and take the next step.
You are warmly invited to apply for a complimentary 1-on-1 session with me. In this call we will get clear on what is going on for you and your business, where the energy gets stuck, what the next best step can be for you and how I can support you with that with one of my in-depth individual programs.
Click here to apply for you complimentary Clarity Session
There are a limited number of spots available for these private complimentary calls!