How to have more energy in the winter
January 20, 2022

Winter is a time of year where we naturally have less energy because there is less sunlight.
You might know this. But do you act accordingly?
I had to remind myself this week, as I was working on the final edits of my book Radiant: How to Have All the Energy You Need to Live a Live You Love
It’s my experience most people plan their day and week just as full in winter as they do in the summer.
Which doesn’t make sense—given the fact you literally have less energy!
So how do you remedy that? Start by listening to your body. Your body will tell you when you are doing too much.
These are some of the signs you can look out for:
- You need more sleep
- You get a headache
- You feel a cold coming on
- You feel less enthusiasm to do things and make yourself go forward on autopilot
- You reach for more coffee, chocolate or other stimulating products
Of course, any other signs of illness are a clear indication your body is working hard and you have to slow down.
Once you are clear you should probably be a little less ambitious about the amount of things you are trying to get done in one day—give yourself permission to relax and recharge more.
- Turn in early tonight.
- Take a longer lunch break.
- Go outside for a walk—even when it rains.
- Pay attention to what you are eating and how that brings you energy.
- And above all, listen to any early signs of your body that you are putting too much strain on it.
There will be so much less to fix when you pause before you push yourself too far.
It can be so tempting to keep going and push yourself. But I know I’m not doing my best work when I’m tired. (And neither are you.)
So instead of pushing through on the edits for my book, I slowed down. I prioritized what really needed doing, and went to bed early 🙂
PS Radiant is now available! Read more here or get your copy now
Have a wonderfilled day full of energy!