Don't step back
March 31, 2016

As I am working on my book and am stepping up to become even more visible I notice that my ego mind starts to push back.
Little fears start to creep up: what if I don’t have enough time to work on my book AND serve my current clients? There are plenty of things on my calendar and if I am honest it is quite a challenge to keep the current date with my editor. I am supposed to make several changes and go over things and I am not sure where I can find the time. So what if I need to push that date, and what if….
And then of course there are the even bigger upper limits such as: what if it’s a huge success? What if it becomes a bestseller. Or like a colleague said yesterday “a New York Times bestseller!”
This morning it was not only noticeable in little things but it became visceral. I could feel it in my body. It was not just that I could feel the fear and nervousness but it actually hurt physically.
Now in these instances the trick is to NOT shrink back. To not take a step back into your comfort zone so you won’t feel the uncomfortableness (that’s not a word, I know). It is about deciding to stay the course no matter what. To keep moving forward in spite of the discomfort, the nerves, the rational reasons not to. It is about staying true to your inner course and to what you know deep down is the right step.
You can even see it as validation that you are on the right track. Feeling queasy? Move right along, you are on target! 😉
So when you’re getting nervous about a step forward I recommend three things:
1. Make a decision to stay the course, even if you are not yet sure how. It is about sticking with it. Remember you want this (it’s your goal or dream for a reason!) even if it feels hard right now.
2. Reach out for support. Ask a friend, colleague or your coach. Make sure it is someone who has been there and will get it. Just get it off your chest, sometimes talking about it will take away the sting and, you won’t feel you are so alone in this.
3. Take an inspired step forward towards the goal you are trying to accomplish. Just to show yourself and the Universe that you are not backing down, that you choose this and that you can do this. Use your intuition to get clear on which action you can take. Allow yourself to be inspired.
On to even bigger things!
PS If you want to get clear on what is blocking you from moving forward then my SWEET POWER™ Mentoring might be for you!
This individual support will help you get clear on what is going on for you in your life and career and what you need most at this moment.
There are only a limited number of slots available!