Do you miss HOME?

February 28, 2020


There are different kinds of home. The place you grew up in, the space you live in now, the kind of home you feel when someone is so very familiar.

And they are all important. But the home I believe we miss most is the home of our soul. The place where we were all one.

In Lift the Veil, that’s what we’ll be connecting to. Your true home.

We start on Friday → Join Lift The Veil Now

In this physical body we can carry only a part of our soul’senergy—it simply doesn’t fit all in. I think that’s one of the reasons we can feel incomplete, like we’re missing something. And we are!

We literally miss part of our energy, part of our being. We have to make do with this tangible physical body and the energy contained within our aura.

And from time to time that sucks. It hurts. And it’s a deep kind of pain, not something that’s fixed with a hot cup of chocolate or even a hug (though those can certainly help 😉 )

I know for me it was a pain that was more like white noise, something present in the background that you won’t truly notice until you focus on it. Of course inevitably something happens that draws your attention to this pain, this missing.

What triggers missing home most:

  • deep emotions (both joy and grief)
  • personal growth and raising your vibration
  • big changes (things like the end of a job or relationship, the move to a new home)

Shifts like the ones described above are ways for you to grow, ways for you to raise your vibration and let go of something—no matter how painful the process may be.

These big shifts trigger something on a soul level as well. And that stirring of the soul might make you (more) aware of what you’re missing.

I know it happens when you meet a soul mate or soul connection as well.

Now for the good news.

As we’re raising our vibration (and you do so automatically when you grow) you’re able to access more of your soul’s energy.

That means you can get in touch with parts of yourself that have been hidden until now!

This online program with The Carriers of Light helps you access those hidden parts.

You can read all about Lift the Veil here

“It’s time to release some of the density of the veil and become more connected with who you truly are at your core.”

We start May 31st and the beauty is that you can take in the content in your own time.

There are five live Coaching Q&A calls and a private online forum for you to connect, receive support and share.

Get your seat here now

If you’d like to experience a deeper connection to your soul, then I hope you’ll join us for what I believe is one of my most powerful programs.

PS “This program was a great experience. So much happened and shifted. The most important change was the re-connection with my heart. I feel more myself. The calls were intense and heartwarming. I would absolutely recommend this program!” — Kirsten

Join Lift the Veil now →


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© 2025 Bright Eyes


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