3 tips that help you flourish

July 5, 2013

meiChange and taking the next step is a topic that is coming up with many clients and it is also very relevant for myself at the moment. That’s why this article covers 3 tips to help you flourish so you can take the next step.

1. Decide which actions you will take today

Before you dive into the busyness of your day; take a moment for yourself each morning. Ask yourself what are the 3 things you can do today that will help you take the next step. What do you need now to get further and grow? To be able to take the next step in your personal development or in the growth of your business. And commit to that. Whether it is taking a long break so you can refuel, follow a course, place a new profile picture on your website (that’s what I did today 😉 or send out a certain email. Let come to the surface what is relevant for you now and trust that these actions will help bring you further and support you on your path. Even if you cannot (yet) see a direct connection between one and the other.

2. Let your enthusiasm lead the way

During the day and week have a look at what you really want. Enthusiasm, energy and happiness are great ways to measure how you are doing, because they confirm that you’re making the right choice. ‘That what brings you most joy is that what brings you most’ is something I wrote to a client several years back, and it still applies. Happiness and enthusiasm are great criteria. When you notice that something gives you energy you know you are on the right track. Use this ‘tool’ to help set your course and decide where you would like to invest your time and energy in. As soon as something is draining you, that is a clear signal that something is out of balance. In that case have a look at what you can do differently so the energy becomes at least neutral.

3. Arrange support

You don’t have to do everything on your own. If you do, it probably takes more time and energy and brings you needless frustration. It is important to stand in your power and part of that is knowing when you can ask for support. No one is here to do it all on their own. Take on an expert for a difficult topic, hire a coach or individual support or outsource something. This will make sure that you free up time and energy (and thus also money!) to do what you truly came here to do. The same goes for your personal development. With expert support you can take bigger steps and make sure you flourish fully.

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I would love to hear from you! What do you do when you get stuck? Or what action do you take to be ready for the next step? Share your experience and tips below

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