3 crucial questions to make this your best year yet

December 29, 2022


Another year has gone by. It feels cliché but time does seem to go faster and faster. I know there’s a scientific explanation for that: the older you get, the less new experiences you have which makes the passage of time feel more rapid.

In the spirit of personal growth I like to reflect on the year and decide what I will take with me into the new year, and what I’d like to do different. To help you with that, I created these three questions. I recommend you take a moment to actually write down the answers because that helps ingrain the insights.

1. What brought you most joy in the past year?

When you think back of this last year, which moment, experience or person stands out on the happy scale? Allow yourself to remember where you were, what you were doing and how it felt. Then allow that joy to fill you.

How can you bring more of this joy with you into the new year?

2. What will you no longer tolerate?

As I once heard Tony Robbins say during an event: “You get what you tolerate.” So what in your life will you stop tolerating? From yourself, others, or life in general. Which behavior, beliefs, circumstances, or situations are no longer acceptable?

That doesn’t mean you need to know how to change them right now. It starts by deciding that something is no longer okay, that you no longer give it permission to be a part of your life. From that clarity you can then start changing the situation, behavior, belief etc. It could be that you need support from a coach or expert in whatever field you want to make a change in.

3. How will you take better care of yourself?

So you’ll be happier, healthier and will have more to give—to others and to yourself.

self-care truth RADIANT

What are some small practical changes you can make to uplevel your self-care? Do you need more sleep, give yourself a proper lunchbreak, spend more time outdoors, exercise more frequently, do things to help you relax? Or whatever comes to mind that you know will help you have more energy and feel better.

My answers?

Spending time with my nephew has given me most joy. His sheer enthusiasm at seeing me again (they live abroad) is always so endearing and warms my heart. Last week when they arrived for Christmas he nearly bowled me over while jumping into my arms.😊

I will no longer tolerate being complacent. If I’m honest there were a few things in my life where over time I’ve lowered my standards. And that stops now. I know I don’t need to score 100% all the time for everything I do, but taking Mark Schaefer’s Personal Branding Masterclass has lit a new fire in me. And thanks to the new insights I’m going into 2025 with new fervor and higher standards for myself and the things I do. Taking the class ranked pretty high on my joy scale too. I’m thrilled about the clarity this program brought me and the changes that are underway for my work as a result. Stay tuned for more news real soon!

As for my self-care, I will continue to listen to my body and what it needs. I dare say I’m pretty good at taking care of myself. One of my clients calls me the self-care queen 😉.

I will continue to start my day by stepping outside and getting both fresh air and natural light for at least fifteen minutes. This practice has been a game changer for me. And it’s one I highly recommend.

Here’s to an inspiring, healthy and loving new year for all of us. Let’s support one another and reach out for real connections so we can lift each other up.✨


PS If you’d like help navigating your life this year, then a Life Navigation Session might be just what you need. Read all about this powerful 1-hour call here.

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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