This online program shifts your frequency so you can be all you can be! These five powerful healing activations reprogram outdated code inside yourself so you can allow in more light, flow, ease and love.
If you feel a desire to make changes or a need to do things differently, you may be going through a soul facet change.
A soul facet change can be very confusing because things that used to work no longer feel right and your preferences may shift. That’s why I created this powerful online workshop. Includes several energetic activations and a powerful transformation to make this shift easier, quicker and less painful.
It’s time to release some of the density of the veil and become more connected with who you truly are at your core. The information and energies that you receive in this program allow you to open up more fully to yourself and who you truly are. It supports you in opening your heart wider.
Raise your vibration, open your heart and reclaim part of your soul so you can finally come home to your true self.
You know there’s more to life than meets the eye and would love to get intuitive insights (and perhaps healing energy) to support you. Whether you want confirmation on an intuitive hunch, clarity on your purpose or a helicopter perspective on your life, this private session will provide the insights you need most now.
In one hour I'll help you get clear on where things are off and what will help you get back into alignment. At the end of this call, you'll have clarity on your path forward and feel hopeful about the future.
Join us for a moment of loving connection, universal wisdom and energetic upleveling. According to participants these calls are “A sacred moment of connection. A space where you know growth and transformation will happen.”
Get intuitive answers to your personal or business question during this virtual event and allow yourself to be recharged.
Join us on Thursday February 6th!