How to Triple your Power to Manifest

July 5, 2013

Marrakech DinerOver the past years I have experienced moments of extreme flow and abundance and times of being stuck and not seeing anything take form. I would like to share with you 3 tips that have helped me greatly in increasing my ability to create things & experiences and being in the flow to receive.

1. Be aware of ‘negative’ thoughts

You are probably aware that thought creates form and that by ‘feeding’ something with your attention you’ll make it grow. What you focus on you attract, so you want to make sure you spend your energy and attention focusing on those things you want to achieve, experience and receive. We have a tendency to put more focus on negative things than we spend time to celebrate what we love. I know that this is something I need to consciously be aware of. It’s easy for most of us to worry about what might happen or go wrong and dwell on the things we fear. By doing so we invite these unwanted events into our lives. So next time you catch yourself thinking ‘negative’ thoughts or feeding fear, simply stop yourself and focus on something else. 

If it’s hard to make a switch you can play some of your favorite music. It will help you take your mind of the worries and will help increase you energy level and vibration instantly.

2. Be in the present

It’s so easy to get lost in what has happened or dream about what may come your way. The truth is you can only create in the present. So if you want to make changes in your life you can only do that in the ‘now’. This moment is all that’s real. This is where you can use your power to manifest. I love this quote:

“The past is history, the future is a mystery and the present is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” 

It beautifully demonstrates the value of this moment. And it helps me to be aware of the significance of being present with my full attention and focus on the things I want to create.  

3. Practice gratitude daily

By spending some time each day focusing on what you are grateful for, you affirm the abundance that you have right now. This helps open up the door for more beautiful things to come into your life. I recommend you keep a daily gratitude journal. At the end of each day spend some time to reflect and write down all the things you are grateful for, with a minimum of 5 things. This can vary from being grateful for the sun that is shining to getting a new client, your health, your partner, family and friends, a gift you received or beautiful synchronicities that take place. Nothing is too big or too small. Once you made your list take some time to truly appreciate the richness in your life and feel yourself being filled with gratitude. When I do this I can really feel my heart open and I experience this warm loving energy.

If you apply these principles daily I can guarantee you that things will start to shift and change in your life. Use these 3 tips to exponentially increase your power to manifest and remember to enjoy the abundance and blessings. 

If you would like to create more of the things that you want in your life and no longer want to be held back by your fears then I invite you for a free Clarity Session with me.
 In this call we will get clear on the things you no longer want in your life, what you would like to create and if I can support you with that in one of my programs.

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