How to call your energy back
April 29, 2019

[especially great for control freaks and perfectionists 😉 ]
There is something important you need to know about energy and how we operate.
When we want to control something, we leave a little bit of our energy behind.
Often when we’re feeling dispersed or scattered it is because we are! We have literally dispersed ourselves—left so much of our energy behind here and there—that we are not operating to our full extent or with our full power.
When you’re feeling tired or exhausted, your first course of action should be to call your energy back. Get it back from all the places you’ve left energy behind in an attempt to soothe your mind (thinking it’s in control).
By (unconsciously) attempting to control a certain outcome, you’ve used some of your life-force energy to try and influence the situation. That means this energy cannot be used for what it’s intended. Your life-force needs to be called back to your physical form so it can sustain what it is meant to sustain.
How you do that? I’ve got you covered 😉
I’ve created an energetic activation to help you call back your energy, and have more energy instantly!
You can listen to it here:
Feel free to share this 10-minute activation with your loved ones! 🙂
PS If you want to know more about why and where you’ve been leaving your energy behind, and how to shift that, then my Private Mentoring might be for you!