Gratitude blog
April 23, 2014

I was re-reading Brené Brown’s book ‘The gifts of Imperfection, let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are’ and it inspired me to write this blog. I was especially focusing on guidepost #4: Cultivate Gratitude and Joy. She discovered that everyone she interviewed who described living a joyful life, actively practiced gratitude and attributed their joyfulness to their gratitude practice.
Most people are aware of the importance of being grateful. Rereading this chapter reminded me that it is not only important to be aware of that but to practice that on a daily basis. And even though that is something I recommend my individual clients to do for years already, I have to admit that I have let that slip recently…
And I recommit to taking a moment each day to be grateful for all that I have in my life. Since it is so important and I truly believe in the power of sharing and supporting each other it gave me the idea to start a Gratitude blog. Right here, right now. A place where you can be thankful, a place where you can share your joy and a place where you can be inspired by others. So here it is.
I invite you to embrace an ‘attitude of gratitude’. Actively practicing gratitude helps you to raise your vibration. It also helps you focus on that which you want more of. As you may know what you focus on is what you will attract.
“Gratitude and thanksgiving are vital ingredients in developing a prosperity consciousness” – John Randolph Price
So there are plenty of reasons to spend more time and attention on the things you are grateful for.
To immediately put this into practice I recommend you share below what it is that you are grateful for. Feel free to come back every day. I recommend you share at least 3 things, ideally 5 or more. Some days that means you will have to think very hard to be able to come up with 5. On other days you will easily have more. The most important thing is that you are practicing your gratitude. It starts by being grateful, not by waiting till you have something to be thankful about.
What is also important is to not only take the time to acknowledge what you are grateful for and writing it down, but to take a moment and truly FEEL it.
I’ll kick it off by my own 5 for today:
- I am grateful for my new website
- I am grateful for the waterfall of fragrant roses that blooms in my garden (see picture;-)
- I am grateful for the sun that is shining
- I am grateful that I get to support my clients in the way that I do and the satisfaction it brings me
- I am grateful for my loving family
What are you grateful for? What is your favorite gratitude practice?
PS It is very special to experience the powerful energy sharing gratitude puts in motion. Participants share that it gives them a boost, it stimulates being alert on what they are grateful for and they feel better (while external circumstances are the same). It feels good to share and it is very inspiring to read what other people are grateful for.