How the energy shift impacts (business) relationships

July 5, 2013

This morning I could really feel that there has been a big shift in energies in December. It’s not like it wasn’t there before, but suddenly it became really visible. As if groups of energies have been clustered together. People made decisions and took steps that brought them closer to a certain vibration, matching themselves with the group(s) that resonated most.

Usually these big shifts become visible on a personal level as well. I have noticed for myself that someone that I really used to look up to and have learned a lot from in the past, is no longer resonating for me. And that doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with that person or the choices they make, or even that I don’t like him or her. It’s about what is a match and what brings you the information, inspiration and support that can best help you and your business to grow.

I often see that people feel guilty for not wanting to spend (as much) time with someone anymore. The invitation is to not see this personally. We are here for a reason, and people come into our life for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes for a lifetime, sometimes for just a few weeks or months. I’ve seen myself go through cycles of letting go of people over the years. What has helped me is to not make it personal and to not take it personally. If someone no longer wants to be your friend or no longer wants to use your services, it doesn’t mean you are a bad person or that the value of your offering has diminished. It usually simply means that the exchange between you two is complete. He or she ‘got what they came for’ and they simply move on to the next phase in their life.

And don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying this is easy. I’m not at all claiming that I have never taken it personally. I have. And I have also learned to not do that anymore. And sometimes I slip up. And forget. And then I am disappointed or sad. Until someone reminds me of the big picture and helps me see that it is not personal and there is nothing wrong with who I am or what I did.

I felt compelled to share this with you today as I feel many of you are experiencing this in some form in your lives right now. It can help both you and your business to see this from the bigger picture so you can quickly regroup and focus your energy and attention on what you came here to do: share your gift.

If you feel you can use more support in this area then I invite you for a free Clarity Session. In this call we will get clear on what is going on for you right now and what is holding you back to step into a bigger version of you.

Apply here for a free Clarity Session

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