Are you afraid of the answer?
March 11, 2025

What if you knew you were pushing your body a little too hard and you probably should take more or longer breaks? What if there was a way to get crystal clear on your energy and stress level and get practical tips to have more energy and lower your stress?
What if you could get access to all that—for free?
Would you jump on it? Would you immediately take that free assessment to ensure your well-being? Would you apply the tips to increase your productivity and creativity and most of all, feel better?
I would hope so. And I honestly though that would be the case. Until this happened…
One of my corporate clients took my Burnout ScanTM about 2 years ago and he scored a fairly common result. A little too much stress, a few things that needed looking at to have more energy and ensure he wouldn’t continue pushing his body.
About six months later we met again and I had a sense that he was experiencing more stress and his energy level had dropped. So I suggested he take the scan again. “Great idea, I will.”
A week went by, two weeks. I thought perhaps he lost the link so I sent it to him again. One month, two months, four months. When we met again I asked him about it. He laughed a bit embarrassedly and said, “I’m scared to take the scan because I don’t want to know the result. I think it might be pretty bad.”
He preferred to stick his head in the sand rather than take the assessment and know for certain.
I understand wanting to delay bad news. I too had times when I was not ready to face a truth I intuitively sensed. In my experience it’s not so much the truth that we’re avoiding but the consequences. We’re not ready to do what we think is needed to course correct.
But continuing to push your body and mind beyond its limits for a long period of time comes at a cost.
Globally 1 in 4 employees is experiencing symptoms of burnout according to McKinsey Health Institute. That might be you.
Better to be clear than afraid
There are two elements to this. First of all, the thing we fear is often worse in our imagination than it is in real life. It can take on a life of its own and may be looming over you—costing you precious energy and focus.
Second, once you are clear on the state of your energy and stress level you can take practical steps to improve your well-being where needed.
Maybe you’re doing better than you thought, perhaps it’s a much-needed wakeup call. Either way that’s valuable information to have.
The sooner you take action, the less there is to ’fix’.
The illusion of more time
That corporate client I mentioned? It’s not just that he was afraid to see the results. It’s also that he thought he had more time. That things weren’t yet bad enough for him to warrant taking action.
You get burned out by doing a little too much, too often—for too long. Thinking you can manage. Because that’s how it happens.
Nobody gets burned out on purpose.
We risk burnout because we think we’re different. We think we are stronger or have more energy. Or we think we don’t have a choice.
But most of all we think we have more time. More time before we get to the point of no return. Before we get to the point where we’ve stretched and depleted ourselves beyond what our body and mind can handle.
We’re slowly burning out because we don’t fully believe there’s a limit to what we can do.
I was burned out at the age of twenty-three and I never saw it coming. Not even when my parents warned me.
That’s one of the main reasons I developed this scan. Because you will be the last person to notice you’re at risk for burnout. It happened to me and I’ve seen it happen to many people.
You likely won’t know until you’ve hit the wall. You won’t even see that wall approaching because it’s such a gradual change. You can read more about the first signs of burnout here.
Take back control
Rather than cross your fingers and pray you will make it to the next vacation without too much damage, it’s time to take back control.
You owe it to yourself to take good care of your body and mind. You only have this one body and it has to last quite a few more years—ideally in good condition. The more you wear it out, the more problems you can expect in the (near) future. It’s a simple as that.
Stop sticking your head in the sand and make sure you know how you’re doing. Whether you use my complimentary Burnout ScanTM or find out in another way.
Within minutes the scan gives you a clear view on what your energy and stress level is like and whether there’s any urgency in needing to make changes.
You’ve got nothing to lose 😉 .
No, scratch that. You’ve got everything to lose!
Don’t be too late. Take back control over your energy and stress level and take the Burnout ScanTM now!
Whether you’re simply curious about your energy and stress level or worried where you will land on the burnout scale, I highly recommend you take the free scan here now.
In addition, you’ll receive practical tips that help you take back control over your well-being. Because life is meant to be enjoyed and the more energy you have, the better you feel, the more productive and creative you are and the more time you will have left to enjoy with loved ones.
Have a day full of energy and inspiration!