3 main reasons your business is not taking off
November 26, 2013
There are many reasons why your business might not be taking off, but let me share with you the 3 main causes I see most often. And, being totally honest here, I know these from the inside out. Because this was once me… So see if any of this is resonating for you:
1. You are playing small
You are afraid to be fully visible, you are not sure if the world is ready for what you have to say and to be sure you only mention it sometimes or to certain people. Or you hint at it. Never do you speak fully and passionately about what it is that you came here to do in large groups, so lots of people can hear about you (and decide if they want to work with you!). If you are playing small: next time you are sharing something about your business, take twice as much time as you usually would. A stretch, I know. But this will help you grow your comfort zone so it will become easier over time to actually speak passionately about what it is that you do!
2. You forget to incorporate energetic principles in running your business
You are focusing your actions on building your business, getting as much things done from your To Do list as you can, while trying to not get exhausted. And you’re not sure why people are still not signing up. Or why it is such hard work. Everything is energy. So it is important to consciously manage the energy and be aware of the energy you send out when you communicate with people. Whether that is live, via email, in your newsletter or on social media. Next time you are communicating something take a moment to ground yourself and be fully present. This will make a huge difference in how people perceive you.
3. You worry about what other people might think
You’re concerned people might see you as ‘salesy’ if you actually invite them in to work with you. You’re afraid people think you are not spiritual because you are not giving your service away for free. You worry people might feel harassed if you talk about your business more than once. “Because if they were interested they would have signed up the first time, right?” Uhm. Nope. On average people need to hear a message 7 times before they take action. So you want to tell people more than once and give them a chance to actually consider what you have to offer.
If you are longing to break through what has been holding you back and what has been keeping you playing small in your business and in your life, then I warmly invite you to join me at Healing Heaven: Two Spa Days for the Soul. This powerful 2-day event takes place in The Netherlands at a beautiful estate in the middle of nature.
We will join in the energy for 2 full days and you will be walking away with an increased power to manifest. By clearing the fears, limiting beliefs and habits that keep you playing small, you will stop sabotaging yourself and you will see an exponential growth in your business. You’ll come home feeling lighter, and having released weight off your shoulders. You will feel more confident so you can easily attract those clients with whom you have a sacred contract to serve 🙂
By being more aware of your energy and the intentions underneath, you will get the flow back in your life and start to experience how much more effective you can be in everything that you do. The intuitive insights will give you full clarity on the next steps for yourself and your business. So you can joyfully do what you came here to do!
If this speaks to you then reserve your seat here
And to make things real easy for you I am now offering a 3-part payment plan!
If you are ready to truly experience an energetic shift in your business and life’s success then go right ahead and click here to reserve your seat