Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

Reframe Your Life Virtual Retreat

Release the past so you can use all of your energy to create magic—now

  • What if you were never lost?
  • What if that mean person never meant to hurt you?
  • What if that painful event from your past has something to teach you?

What if you could learn from what has happened in the past and could see that painful situation from a different perspective?

A perspective that allows you to release the pain, the fear, the resentment and anger.

A perspective that shows you the part you played in that situation and what you can do different next time.

A perspective that enables you to move forward with confidence and new insights.

Insights that support you, instead of dead weight from the past that drags you down. Say hello to feeling lighter 🙂


Being clear on why things happen in your life doesn't go automatically—it requires a fresh perspective

And that’s what you’ll get in this virtual retreat.

Because there is a broader context than what we perceive from the human mind. Things that can seem only painful have another side as well. It is possible to go through difficult times and emerge victorious.

You can shift how you feel by what you focus on. There is support available—always.

You don’t have to go it alone.

Client Testimonial

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Karen Vago
Paris, France -

I was moving ahead in life as if the breaks were on, carrying around old events, not knowing they were still holding me back. Iris helped me see those parts that I was keeping in the shadow.

I thought I had come a long way already. Little did I know there were still tripping stones on my path.

The virtual retreat was a pleasure, the participants were lovely and supporting, Iris was the beacon in our midst shining her light on the parts that most needed care.

One word or sentence or the chills Iris gets when something feels right to her (I love when she says « This gave me chills »), are powerful ways she  sends her messages out to get us moving.

For years I had this superficial knowing that you create your own life but I didn’t fully believe it. Now I know and feel that this is true and the belief in myself is so much stronger.

I loved every moment. Thanks to the retreat I am moving forward in my business with much more confidence. A new world has opened up.

It was highly transformative. Iris thank you for your guidance and being an amazing catalyst for us. I’m extremely grateful.

Reframe your life and live with all your energy present!

This LIVE virtual retreat is happening on Monday March 16th. 11am to 6pm CET (Amsterdam) time.

Only four participants total so we can go DEEP!

What you'll experience

We will connect virtually via Zoom video for an intimate and heart-felt connection.

I will channel healing energy and infinite wisdom to help you see what’s been holding you back and which parts you are ready to release.

I will tune in for you personally, allowing you to see a painful situation or difficult event with new eyes so you can shift the energy and heal.

Did you know we store emotions in our physical body, and it impacts our health?

Releasing these emotions will literally free up room on a cell-level and help you feel better physically.

There will be a live channel with a message from The Carriers of Light to support this process. A message especially aligned for this group—because when likeminded souls gather there’s always an underlying theme that’s important for everyone.

Seeing what is going on for the other participants will deepen understanding of your own situation, and clarify shifts you can make as well.

You’ll walk away with timeless insights you can refer back to for years to come, with a clearer mind and lighter heart.

When is this happening?

This LIVE virtual retreat is happening on Monday March 16th. 11am to 6pm CET (Amsterdam) time. Join from the comfort of your own home or office!

Only four participants total so we can go DEEP!

Client Testmonial

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P. Ly
Hong Kong - Lawyer

Allowing yourself to relive and talk about an event which is so painful or really traumatic, that in then allows you to release it, was really therapeutic for me. Because I thought I was okay, I thought I had processed it but there are so many layers to processing and the way it energetically affects you that it hurts your soul in a way.

You need to be able to recognize that to allow the healing to happen on a deeper level. That was really profound for me. Especially considering the extent of the events I have gone through. This was so useful and really insightful!

And being able to share it with other people—strangers—and then hearing their story, and how you channeled the guidance of the so-called bad incidents to allow us to learn the lessons that we’re meant to learn, allows the healing to really start to begin. This was the best decision for me ever to invest in working with you, Iris. I feel so much more sure of myself, grounded, confident and grateful.

What will this workshop bring you?

  • An energy boost. It will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders (A weight you probably didn't even know was there!)
  • Understand how hurtful events were part of your original plan (no matter how painful they were…)—and how they contributed to your soul’s path.
  • Release the pain, fear, resentment and anger—the things that hold you back without you realizing it—so you can raise your vibration and improve your health. You hold all the power, you always have.
  • Increased power to create magic with! By freeing up life-force energy that was tied to past events you jumpstart your manifesting powers
  • Feel more at home and at ease, more in touch with who you are at your core. One of the secret ingredients of feeling fabulous ;)
  • A helicopter-view perspective of your situation, so you're clear on what to focus on and what to let go off.
  • Energetic realignment so you're in sync with your soul's path again (because we all get off track at some point). Hello clarity!


Tracy M.
Massachusetts, USA - Clinical psychologist

I was so moved and freed and empowered by the retreat. You said to me, “You are so loved!” I have felt very far away, for a very long time, from knowing that, but it was clear that it was meant to get through to me, and it was absolutely what I needed most deeply to hear. It had the effect of making me feel I was alive and could allow myself going forward to be fully alive.

It was stunning, as if I had been given permission to be full of my own light and did not need to feel alone with myself. It made me feel powerful. I felt I could access and manifest who I am, and that there did not need to be a holding back; that it was within my power to do so, and that there was a big, beautiful life force in me.

From the start, there was an easy feeling of safety and resonance in the group, despite large differences in our ages, personalities, life course and even continents.

You said there is always a meant-to-be about the particular participants who find themselves together. I can see that, but I also feel you have crafted a wonderful vehicle for a transforming experience, and your in the moment guidance is clearly gifted.

I’m a clinical psychologist, I’m older … From these vantage points, as I listened to your input to the other participants, I could hear the deep psychological rightness in your insights and input. You have a rare intuitive ability, but it’s equally clear you have developed and honed that ability to make it most useful and effectively communicated. Thank you, Iris!

Introducing the Carriers of Light

The Carriers of Light are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light. Iris has been chosen as their emissary. This was their first message several years ago. It still holds true today.

“Dear ones,

We are thrilled to meet you here and be sharing the same energy. We have been waiting for a long time to be able to come through with this message. The time has come to take a new step in evolution. We ask you to take up your birthright and really be who you are. We ask you to see the beauty and the light in yourself and others. You are such a wonderful, beautiful creature. You have the ability to see the world though your eyes and through your unique experience. That makes you one of a kind.

Many of you still wonder whether what you do matters, whether what you have to offer is valuable or unique enough. We tell you that it is. For it carries the energy and the vibration of you. That is a unique vibration that only you carry. The world needs that. You each have a piece of the puzzle and for you to shine your light brightly is the goal of this game – the goal of those who came here on earth.

We are here to help you see that and feel that. If you take a moment and feel deep inside,  you can feel a longing, an awakening. We are helping you to take the steps through which you can carry more of your light inside. While you raise your vibration you will be increasing the intensity and the flow of light in and around you. You will be able to feel more love and act out of love. Love for yourself and love for others.

For now we ask you to realize that you are here for a reason. You carry a unique vibration inside you that helps others unlock their potential. You each have a key to someone else’s lock. You all help each other on this journey. That’s why you are not meant to do this alone. Seek out your teachers and coaches, your colleagues and partners. And know that the energy will lead you where you need to go. If only you are willing to listen.”


Annette Charite
New York, USA - The Soul Mate Coach

The live channel was absolutely wonderful and gave me a different perspective! It was loving, supportive and constructive. I gained more clarity and also some valuable tools and tangible steps to assist me in taking action. It brought confirmations of what I knew already but more importantly it offered solutions I can implement. Iris led with compassion and supporting energy. It was exceptional!

About workshop leader,
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the emissary for the Carriers of Light. They are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light.

She is also the creator of the SWEET POWERTM approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that showing up big requires.

Through her research, she’s identified four distinctive stages that sensitive souls experience in their growth process, and the underbelly of her work lies in helping that particular audience determine where they are on the growth curve, and​ ​discover​ ​the​ ​right​ ​steps​ ​to​ ​move forward—and​ ​kick​ ​a**.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Reframe your life and live with all your energy present!

This LIVE virtual retreat is happening on Monday March 16th. 11am to 6pm CET (Amsterdam) time. Join from the comfort of your home or office.

Only four participants total so we can go DEEP!


Rebecca Zook
Arlington, VA, USA - Zook Tutoring

The live channel was calming and grounding. I felt really cared for and nourished. I felt safe to share some questions that I’ve been carrying around for a while. I love how Iris effortlessly interacts between the spiritual and the practical. It brought me deep intuitive insights via the channel about how to approach issues I have been struggling with for years and instantaneous confirmation that I was on the right track with my ideas. I experienced a supportive, loving, open and grounded community of likeminded people to receive guidance and uplift each other. Iris is a powerful and effective workshop leader, combining the leadership strength to create a powerful container with extremely supple and caring receptive & compassionate energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If I never went through a traumatic event, is this workshop still right for me?

A: Yes! It’s often the seemingly little things that have the biggest impact. Not because the experience was traumatic in itself necessarily, but because of the meaning you attached to it. Your younger self was trying to make sense of things and it did the best it could. But that doesn’t mean your younger self drew the right conclusion, and you don’t have to carry that false assumption with you for the rest of your life. Because even when you are not aware of it—how you remember the past does color how you view things and it impacts the decisions you make at a subconscious level. It’s like a software program running in the background, and it’s time we update the code 😉

Q: Will you offer this at another date too?

A: There is currently no plan to offer this retreat again.

Q: Will this retreat be recorded?

A: Yes! This entire retreat will be recorded so you can relisten to the insights anytime. This means you don’t have to worry about taking notes and can be fully present.


Q: Will there be breaks?

A: Yes, for sure. We’ll take several short breaks so you can stay nourished and hydrated. 🙂


Q: I’ve worked with Iris before. Will this be redundant?

A: If this retreat speaks to you that means there is a shift available that you are ready to make now. It doesn’t matter which level you’re at, Iris will tune in and channel personalized insights for you. You’ll get exactly what you need.


Do you have any other questions? Please reach out via clientcare[at]2brighteyes[dot]com. We would love to hear from you!

Reframe your life and live with all your energy present!

This LIVE virtual retreat is happening on Monday March 16th. 11am to 6pm CET (Amsterdam) time. Join from the comfort of your home or office!

Only four participants total so we can go DEEP!

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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