
Lift the Veil

experience radiant love & a deep connection to your soul

A reset with The Carriers of Light

The information and energies that you receive in this program allow you to open up more fully to yourself and who you truly are. It supports you in opening your heart wider.

“Most of you have hidden parts of your true heritage. It was a necessary feat because allowing yourself to remember everything would prevent you from going full out in this game you call Earth.

You’ve allowed part of your past and part of your talents to be hidden, to be invisible from this human perspective. We’re allowing you to get back in touch with these aspects.”

It is time.

It’s time to release some of the density of the veil and become more connected with who you truly are at your core.

Many of you are going through changes, through experiences of release and having to let go. Through moments of no longer knowing where to go or how to get there. Through moments of uncertainty, of fear, of despair.

Even those of you living a life of joy and surrender, even for you there is much more in store. Because you too have hidden part of yourself. It’s simply a different part that is unaccessible for you.

You are all called forth to partake in the wonder that is life with your full consciousness, your full awareness, your full presence.

That’s what this program is about.

It’s about living this game you call Earth, and living it gloriously

Client Testimonial

Sanne Meijboom
Nairobi, Kenya - I Like Local

Lift the Veil is the best program I have ever done, very impactful and strong!

I felt the energy so strongly and the messages were incredibly insightful. I could even feel the energy hours after our call.  I felt it more strongly than with any other program (even from Iris) I have done in the past.

What I loved most is the energy and the sharing with other participants during the sessions. I didn’t want the program to end 🙂

What will lifting the veil bring you?

Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

How does it work?

Each week you’ll receive inspired content from The Carriers of Light that helps you lift the veil and embrace both the energy and the insights that allow you to raise your vibration and awareness, and open your heart more fully. Through this expansion you can reclaim a part of your soul you are now ready to receive and come home to yourself.

You’ll get these teachings via audio-recording so you can listen when it suits you 😉 In addition you’ll receive full transcripts and practical exercises that help ingrain this powerful content.

There are 5 live Q&A calls where you can ask questions and The Carriers of Light will shed a light on your life and your path. You’ll receive recordings for all Q&A’s so no worries if you can’t be there live. (And you can send in your questions per email if needed).

You can connect with fellow participants on our private forum—a safe and sacred space where you can receive support and share 24/7. This is where a lot of the additional magic happens!

Client testimonial

Tracy M.
Massachusetts, USA - Clinical psychologist

I am so glad I did this program. It was powerful, intense, challenging. I grew from it. I released things, I developed things.

The biggest takeaways are that I am more tuned in to the state of my heart, i.e., how open or closed is it. I have a more nuanced connection to my heart. And I now have imagery and a method to open my heart, to clear it, to bring oxygen and light in.

Iris’ validating, elucidating responses when I wrote about a difficulty on the forum were tremendous!

For anyone in the right place for it, this program is fantastic. It’s a unique experience. So many traditions are emphasizing now the same core message of the Carriers of Light (open our hearts), but this program’s vehicle for learning and shifting is a unique route into it. Psychotherapy, religion, meditation …. similar messages, but different paths to get there. I found this route to be more helpful with actual change and deep experience.

Lift the veil and experience radiant love and a deep connection to your soul

A 5-week online program filled with healing energetic activations and channeled teachings from The Carriers of Light, 5 live Q&A calls and a private online forum with 24/7 access.

Raise your vibration, open your heart and reclaim part of your soul so you can finally come home to your true self.

Get on the waitlist to be the first to hear when doors open again :)

Results you can expect:

It’s truly a reset and adventure that we are embarking on together—one that promises to be very exciting and heart-opening. <3

As you may know it is my mission to help raise the vibration of this planet so more people can live from love. If the energy of the Carriers of Light resonates with you, then I hope you’ll be with us on this journey!

Let me know if you have any questions about joining or whether this is a fit for you. Simply email: clientcare[at]2brighteyes[dot]com

Client Testimonial

p ly 1
P. Ly
Hong Kong - Lawyer

This program is insightful, helpful and a way to lift more of the curtain to my soul. I loved the heart opening process, the connection with like-minded others and the insights I received from the Carriers, as well as my new ability to super ground. Before I thought I was grounded but after this program, I feel like my legs are as heavy as lead and I can fall through the floor.

I have allowed my heart to open even more. To be more vulnerable and to know when I am coming up against a barrier. When I then encounter that barrier, this program has taught me not to resist it – as hard as it may seem at the time.

Thank you Iris. You have such a special gift. Thank you for allowing us to receive the guidance of the Carriers of Light, and for being the perfect conduit and channel. You were so meant to do this, and in this difficult time, we really need you. Thank you for helping us, for helping mankind collectively, bit by bit.

I think about how far I have come on the journey with you. Previously, words like these would have resonated less, the depth of the messaging and connection would have fallen on less curious, less open ears. But now, I am listening with my eyes and my open heart.

Thank you for lifting the veil, thank you for allowing me to see more of the light, and thank you for the growth, as painful as it is at times.

Discover parts of yourself you've forgotten [on purpose]

A 5-week online program filled with healing energetic activations and channeled teachings from The Carriers of Light, 5 live Q&A calls and a private online forum with 24/7 access.

Raise your vibration, open your heart and reclaim part of your soul so you can finally come home to your true self.

Get on the waitlist to be the first to hear when doors open again :)


Mark Teijgeler
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Mark Teijgeler

Iris, many thanks for creating and hosting the program and guiding us in the process. My main takeaway was the felt sense experiences of the hearth-opening and higher vibrational energies. That provided me with an overall boost going forward in my personal journey.

Second, the sessions sometimes gave me a confirmation that I am on the right way or helpful feedback about my process. When you open up to the unknown or enter new territory it’s easy to start to doubt the process, your progress, or fall back in old habits.

Third, I loved the seeing and sensing of the power of vulnerability in action, the sense of connection in the calls, and the moments of dropping down into the heart area in our presence during the sessions. For me, this is an never ending opening process, sometimes a little bit scary, but ultimately what I like and want most in life. 

About creator,
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the emissary for the Carriers of Light. They are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light.

She is also the creator of the SWEET POWERTM approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that showing up big requires.

Iris is a firm believer in combining the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the practical.

Thanks to her intuitive abilities she can go straight to the core of what is preventing you from being your healthy, radiant self, and by immediately applying healing energy you will make deep and lasting shifts on layers you can’t get to on your own.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or life and high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who are The Carriers of Light?

A: The Carriers of Light are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light. Iris has been chosen as their emissary. This was their first message over a decade ago. It still holds true today.

“We ask you to see the beauty and the light in yourself and others. You are such a wonderful, beautiful creature. You have the ability to see the world though your eyes and through your unique experience. That makes you one of a kind.

Many of you still wonder whether what you do matters, whether what you have to offer is valuable or unique enough. We tell you that it is. For it carries the energy and the vibration of you. That is a unique vibration that only you carry. The world needs that.

You each have a piece of the puzzle and for you to shine your light brightly is the goal of this game – the goal of those who came here on earth.

We are here to help you see that and feel that. If you take a moment and feel deep inside, you can feel a longing, an awakening. We are helping you to take the steps through which you can carry more of your light inside. While you raise your vibration you will be increasing the intensity and the flow of light in and around you. You will be able to feel more love and act out of love. Love for yourself and love for others.”


Q: Is Lift the Veil right for me?

A: Asking yourself these questions might help you decide.

  • You long to experience more love.
  • You’re craving true connections with people and enjoy real conversations.
  • You feel there’s more to life than this but you can’t quite seem to make the shift needed.
  • You want to live life with your full awareness.
  • You’re curious about your soul connection and want to explore that further.
  • Some painful experiences still need healing.
  • You want to open your heart further—to yourself and the people around you.
  • Personal and spiritual growth are important to you.
  • You want to embrace the part of your soul you’ve been resisting.
  • Realigning your physical and energetic body feels important.
  • You choose more joy, flow and ease.

If you answered yes to 3 or more, then Lift the Veil is great for you!


Q: When are the live Coaching Q&A calls?

A: The one-hour Coaching Q&A calls are happening on Wednesday June 5th, Wednesday June 12th, Wednesday June 26th, Tuesday July 2nd, Wednesday July 10th. All calls are at 10am Eastern / 4pm CET (Amsterdam) time and will be recorded.


Q: What if I can’t make it to a live Coaching Q&A call?

A: No worries. All calls are recorded. You can send in your questions per email, and I’ll make sure to answer them on the call.


Q: When does the program start?

A: We start Friday May 31st. That’s when you’ll receive the content for week 1 and when the private forum opens. We’ll then have our first live Coaching Q&A call on Wednesday June 5th.


Q: I have another question

A: Perfect! Please email us at clientcare[at]2brighteyes[dot]com. We would love to hear from you and will answer as soon as possible.


Kirsten van Loon
Breda, The Netherlands - Shiatsu by Kirsten

This program was a great experience. So much happened and shifted. The most important change was the re-connection with my heart. I feel more myself.

It was really nice to connect with others and share. Some processes were quite intense and the group was wonderful in supporting each other.

Lift the Veil definitely helped me. I loved the energy and felt very supported.

The calls were intense and heartwarming. I would absolutely recommend this program!

Lift the veil and experience radiant love and a deep connection to your soul

A 5-week online program filled with healing energetic activations and channeled teachings from The Carriers of Light, 5 live Q&A calls and a private online forum with 24/7 access.

Raise your vibration, open your heart and reclaim part of your soul so you can finally come home to your true self.

Get on the waitlist to be the first to hear when doors open again :)

© 2024 Bright Eyes