
The Gratitude Project

How to focus on what you DO want!

Gratitude is a powerful tool and it’s a shortcut to happiness, feeling calmer and less stressed.

I’ve hosted the Gratitude Project three times in the past years and I’m thrilled to announce The Gratitude Project is back by popular demand! 🙂

With all the turmoil around us we can use a boost to focus on positivity.

Over the course of 21 days I’ll help you embrace an ‘attitude of gratitude’. You will become more aware of the positive things in your life and feel much better as a result.

Being grateful helps boost your immune system and improves the quality of your sleep.  You’ll raise your vibration and experience more flow and ease.

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey

Testimonials from participants

How to focus on what you DO want!

Join me for 21 days to raise your vibration and have more flow, joy and abundance! The Gratitude Project starts on January 11th.

Start the New Year with flow and ease!

Results you can expect.
You will:

  • Get more joy and ease in your life
  • Feel calmer and less stressed without having to take a vacation ;)
  • Receive a boost of your immune system and improve the quality of your sleep
  • Feel better, even when outer circumstances stay the same
  • Be able to focus on what you want more of (instead of worrying about all the things you don’t want)
  • Be less impacted by negative situations
  • Raise your vibration and release lower level energies such as fear and 'not enough'

Research confirms the power of Gratitude

You’ll notice that gratitude is contagious; the more you do it the more grateful you are.

A survey after the second Gratitude Project showed 80% of the participants had ingrained gratitude as a new habit. Lots of research has been done on gratitude and the effects are compelling:

“First, the practice of gratitude can increase happiness levels by around 25%. Second… [gratitude] can create an effect that lasts 6 months if not more. Third, that cultivating gratitude brings other health effects, such as longer and better quality sleep time.”1

“The practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life. It can lower blood pressure, improve immune function and facilitate more efficient sleep. Gratitude reduces lifetime risk for depression and anxiety.

Practicing gratitude also affects behavior. Studies have shown that grateful people engage in more exercise and have better dietary behaviors.2

I’d say pretty powerful stuff 😉

Testimonials from participants


How it works

Each day you’ll receive inspiration and tips about the power of gratitude to support you in developing an ‘attitude of gratitude’, and enjoy the benefits it brings. You’re invited to share your daily gratitude on our private forum—or you can do it on your own.

Every three days you’ll receive an audio-recording of approx. 15 minutes with inspiration, insights and experiences. There will be input from a guest expert as well.

You’ll learn a powerful tool to switch your focus from negative to positive. Participants mentioned how uplifting and inspiring it was to share this journey with people from all around the world.

It will only take a few minutes per day and the effects will be huge!

Testimonials from participants

Ginger v2

Guest expert Ginger Burr

Ginger is a dear friend and she’s been part of the Gratitude Project since the start in 2014. She’s an image consultant, author of ‘That’s So You!’ and a successful business owner.  Ginger is a firm believer in reflecting who you are on the inside through the wardrobe and style choices you make. When you begin to align your inner beauty with what you choose to wear, magic happens.

Part of the reason we get along so well is that we both understand the importance of addressing what’s going on on the inside first 🙂

Ginger will share her personal gratitude practice with us and we’ll talk about what gratitude means to her and which place it has in her life.

Start the New Year with flow and ease!

Join me for 21 days to raise your vibration and have more flow, joy and abundance! The Gratitude Project starts on January 11th.

Learn how to focus on what you DO want!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will the forum be on Facebook?

A: No. The private forum is situated on a special website and only accessible to participants of The Gratitude Project. You’ll receive log-in details after you register.


Q: Will the calls be recorded?

A: Yes. In fact, there will be no live calls. To keep things easy you’ll receive audio-recordings for all the calls so there is no need to worry about having to be there live 😉


Q: What if I miss a day?

A: No worries! You can pick things back up the next day.

  • 1 1. Says Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas in the CBS research. 2. Says Dr. Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis and a leading scientific expert on the science of gratitude in the article "Gratitude is good medicine' at UC Davis Health Medical Center.

About creator,
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the creator of the SWEET POWER™ approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care designed for those who have big things to do in this world, but who often feel drained by the demand that showing up big requires. She’s is a firm believer in combining the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the practical.

Through her research, she’s identified four distinctive stages that sensitive souls experience in their growth process, and the underbelly of her work lies in helping that particular audience determine where they are on the growth curve, and​ ​discover​ ​the​ ​right​ ​steps​ ​to​ ​move forward—and​ ​kick​ ​a**.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Start the New Year with flow and ease!

Join me for 21 days to raise your vibration and have more flow, joy and abundance! The Gratitude Project starts on January 11th.

Learn how to focus on what you DO want!

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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