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Create Your Heart Portal

Release your hidden barriers & allow the full flow of energy in

“If you look at this planet today and you wish for it to be different, we implore you to be different yourself, to act different, to think different, to be different. You often think that you need to change the outside world before you start changing yourself.

And we tell you that it is the other way around. By changing yourself you will change the outside world.” — The Carriers of Light

And that’s what these energetic activations will support you with by activating and anchoring your heart portal.

This sacred heart connection is the portal to your soul and your dreams.

This portal will fill you with new energy and new insights—allowing in more energy of a higher vibration. Your heart portal is crucial in fulfilling your mission here on this planet.

Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

You can only change the outside world—and what is visible—by changing yourself and your energy first! And for that you need to fill your own cup before you start assisting others.

Your heart has been given permission to release old hurt, to release old situations.

Receive more life-force energy as if fresh oxygen is flowing into your heart, releasing stale air and healing old patterns. You’ll feel refreshed, reinvigorated and lighter.

Get ready to embrace the new you. The TRUE you! And start living the life you were born to live.

Create Your Heart Portal

Release your hidden barriers & allow the full flow of energy in so you can live the life your soul meant you to live. Consists of 2 guided activations (MP3) from the Carriers of Light plus transcript.

Get access immediately upon purchase!

Results you can expect:

  • Get a new influx of love & life-force energy, allowing more of your soul’s energy to be present.
  • Align your physical body with your energetic body
  • Expand your soul bridge and allow more of your soul's energy to permeate your being
  • Release the burdens that you've carried for so long
  • Receive the energy and the heart portal needed to allow in the higher vibrations matched to your true dream.

About Creator
Iris van Ooyen


Iris van Ooyen is the emissary for the Carriers of Light. They are a group of energies—or entities if you will—that is here to help you raise your vibration so you can hold more of your light.

Iris is a firm believer in combining the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the practical.

Thanks to her intuitive abilities she can go straight to the core of what is preventing you from being your healthy, radiant self, and by immediately applying healing energy you will make deep and lasting shifts on layers you can’t get to on your own.

An MBA with a background in corporate marketing, Iris combines her extensive business experience with her renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their career, business, or life and high performance as a whole. Her clients—including Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to business managers and teams—praise her ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate energetic transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Create Your Heart Portal

Release your hidden barriers & allow the full flow of energy in so you can live the life your soul meant you to live. Consists of 2 guided activations (MP3) from the Carriers of Light plus transcript.

Get access immediately upon purchase!

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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