Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

Corporate executives. Athletes. High performers. Leaders. And folks who are ready to step up in a BIG WAY.

You’ve been focused. Committed. Hungry for the dream—and you’re doing great, you know.

But you need help getting to the next level.

You’re okay with being seen—but you aren’t bringing it as hard as you could be. You’re in a role that keeps you visible—but you don’t always feel that comfortable there. Somedays you feel like yourself, and others you still feel the urge to hide—because that’s how it goes when you’re in what I call Stage 3 and 4 of my SWEET POWERTM PROFILE.

You’re the ones who have shown up to do the work. Got ahead. Busted through the challenges. And keep comin’ at the world for more.

But there are still moments when you want to shrink; still moments when you feel resistance. Because you’re comfortable, but not entirely. And you know that your own mental blocks are getting in the way of you putting yourself out there—and enjoying your work. (Novel idea, right?)

Enter: SWEET POWERTM Transformative Mentoring.


4 months.
You and I.
Fighting to flip your weaknesses into strengths.

It’s an entirely unconventional personal growth program that takes the areas you feel the weakest in and teaches you how to use them to your advantage.

That’s why it’s called SWEET POWERTM: It’s a framework that takes your soft spots; your frailties; the gentle pieces of your personality and uses those to give you confidence you didn’t realize you ever had.

We’ll heal old wounds and shift unconscious beliefs that have held you back and kept you playing small, and we’ll do the work to uncover some of your greatest gifts that have long been viewed as curses. You’ll gain an all-new perspective about yourself, and access to intuitive insights you can’t get to on your own. With Iris as your personal sounding board, you’ll have the benefit of someone who can objectively view the situation from above—like having your own dial-up connection to infinite wisdom.

The end goal: move you forward, faster.

Ideal for the leader who struggles with work/life balance; the professional who wants more time, space and energy for themselves; the athlete who gets inside their own head; and the executive who can’t seem to trust their own instincts.

Essentially? SWEET POWERTM is for the everyday sensitive soul who can’t seem to shake the idea that perhaps they’d be more content, confident and in control if they were able to transcend their fears, start doing what truly makes them happy, play to their real strengths (an important topic all on its own!) and stop putting themselves last—once and for all.

[DISCLAIMER: Be careful. You may actually start enjoying your life!]

Client Testimonials

How it works

We’ll meet every two or three weeks and dive deep via ZOOM video or telephone, wherever you are in the world. (Even if you’re just down the street here in The Netherlands!)

Typically clients feel a major power shift after just one session. Together, we’ll set a big goal, and then use a unique intuitive approach to guide our work together in order to get you from where you are NOW, to where you need to be. Every person is different, and so is this process, and Iris will tap into her own intuition to provide you with the necessary insights and action steps to help you get there mentally, physically, energetically and emotionally. With an intuitive approach, there is no one size fits all, which is what makes it so powerful; it is, perhaps, the most customized mentoring on the planet, because no one else is like you, which means that no one else will receive the same transformation, either.

Ultimately our work together will be smart, sharp, intense and wildly practical, as we work to figure out what’s getting in your way—and how we can get you there. With every session, you’ll feel the mental and emotional equivalent of a big, gorgeous stretch towards the sun—this is what growth feels like, and it feels authentic, pure and so very wonderful.

After the four month period is over, you’ll have the option to work with me on a monthly or quarterly maintenance basis to continue progressing forward, shining bright and kicking a**.

Reserve 1 of 3 New Client Clarity Sessions Available On My Calendar This Month

Designed for new clients interested in exploring this work together.

If you apply to receive a New Client Clarity Session and are accepted, the time we spend together will be complimentary.

All you’ve got to do next is fill out this form, and we’ll respond within one business day to discuss.

Client Testimonials

© 2025 Bright Eyes

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