
"Iris is uniquely qualified to get people through almost any hurdle and resolve to a safe, uplifting next step!"


I lead with love. I’ve been supporting people and teams since 2002 and I have a track record of success. The breadth of issues I’ve supported people with touch pretty much all aspects of life. Everything from Olympic athletes to people going through a divorce, changing careers or simply being unhappy about their life.

I’m very intuitive so we can go straight to the core of the problem. I don’t need a lot of backstory so I can quickly help you see where you’re getting stuck and show you a way out.

Thanks to my MBA and background in the corporate world, I can combine my extensive business experience with my renowned razor-sharp intuitive insights in order to support those struggling in their life, career, business, or high performance as a whole. Especially leaders, entrepreneurs and athletes.

Over two decades of experience

I’ve created a unique intuitive approach to personal and career development, growth, and self-care. If you’ve reached a tipping point where you don’t know what to do, you’re unhappy and you just need help navigating through that obstacle, whatever it is—then you’re in the right place!

I’ve created the Growth Accelerator AssessmentTM which identifies four distinctive stages that people experience in their growth process. Through this powerful (and free) assessment you can determine where you are on the growth curve, and​ ​discover​ ​the​ ​right​ ​steps​ ​to​ ​move forward with ease, joy and energy.

I’ve developed several other tools—including the Energy Balance ScanTM that helps you get clear on your energy and stress level and whether you’re at risk for burnout.

My clients praise my ability to quickly zero in on what is not working and facilitate transformations that carry over into all aspects of life and work.

Tracy M.
Massachusetts, USA - Clinical psychologist

Iris is deeply compassionate and quickly intuitive. Part of what I can see (from my training and career as a psychologist) is how much self-development and development of her capacities she has pursued and maintained over the years.  I have such respect for what goes into all of what she offers and the significant disciplines, ethics, creativity and courage she brings to her practice.

Iris, I am ever grateful for the gifts you share with us; all the work you have done over decades to hone and clarify those gifts and abilities; the model you are for dedication and practice. And I am grateful for your very bright spirit and the arrow you point always to love and light and joy.

Carolyn Herfurth - Founder of TheBizTruth.Com

Clients from across the globe

I am fortunate to have a very international client base with clients from four different continents.

I’ve hosted workshops in NYC and other places in the United States, Ireland, Italy and of course all over The Netherlands.

My clients range from entrepreneurs, leaders, coaches, Olympic athletes, managers and artists to large companies and organizations such as Brinks, Unicef, KPN, Securitas, Microsoft and others.

2 Books: Poisoned Arrow & Radiant

Author of two books

I wrote the YA Fantasy novel Poisoned Arrow because it was simply too much fun not to.

Radiant: How to Have All the Energy You Need to Live a Life You Love is tied directly to the work I do. This book is a collection of personal stories, tips, and insights that show you how to move from being drained to having plenty of energy, find a happy, healthy balance and start loving your life!

You can check out my books here.

My personal journey

You can read more here about my own journey and how I navigated my life and the challenges and opportinities I encountered along the way.

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I've you're interested in working with me, you're warmly invited to this complimentary 15-minute call.

© 2025 Bright Eyes


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